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quantile regression
The Association between Intellectual Capital and Corporate Performance——An Empirical Analysis Based on Quantile Regression
Contemporaneous Earnings and Accounting Conservatism: Based on Quantile Regression Approach
State Ownership,Soft Budget Constrains,and Frim Value:Empirical Analysis Based on Quantile Regression Approach
To explore the relation of earnings level to accounting conservatism, the paper adopts quantile regression approach to re-examine Basu Model for the insight of return-earning asymmetric relation and accounting conservatism.
Based on the information and data technology of China's listed companies 2002-2004,this paper reconsiders the Resource-based Theory and empirically investigates the effect of intellectual capital on firms' competitive advantage using a quantile regression approach.
The Growth of High-New-Tech Firms and its Determinants:An Application of the Quantile Regression Model
With the data from enterprises in Zhongguancun Science Park and with quantile regression model, we in this paper have studied various relevant factors that impact the growth of high tech enterprises.
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quantile regression
Incorporating the quantile regression approach to the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition allows the localization of gender discrimination to particular quantites of the earnings distribution and permits more targeted policy intervention.
The estimation was made using OLS as well as Quantile Regression.
Critical values for all water quality parameters with the two Maryland biological indices were derived using quantile regression, with significant regressions developed for 11 of 16 water quality parameters and the two biotic indices.
The relative importance of the covariates for different-sized entrants is taken into account by using a quantile regression approach.
To allow for firm heterogeneity between firm entrants we use quantile regression techniques for our empirical estimation.
With the data from enterprises in Zhongguancun Science Park and with quantile regression model, we in this paper have studied various relevant factors that impact the growth of high tech enterprises. Having compared these elements with OLS regression results, we have found the asymmetrical impact of factors such as enterprise scale, ages, technical efficiency, R&D expenditure and debt ratio on enterprises at different quantile growth points, sharpening our comprehension of the elements effecting...
With the data from enterprises in Zhongguancun Science Park and with quantile regression model, we in this paper have studied various relevant factors that impact the growth of high tech enterprises. Having compared these elements with OLS regression results, we have found the asymmetrical impact of factors such as enterprise scale, ages, technical efficiency, R&D expenditure and debt ratio on enterprises at different quantile growth points, sharpening our comprehension of the elements effecting the development of high tech.
Conservatism is an important convention of financial reporting. It implies the exercise of caution in the recognition and measurement of income and assets. To explore the relation of earnings level to accounting conservatism, the paper adopts quantile regression approach to re-examine Basu Model for the insight of return-earning asymmetric relation and accounting conservatism. Based on Chinese listed companies data of 2001-2003, the empirical results show that the degree of conservatism of accounting earnings...
Conservatism is an important convention of financial reporting. It implies the exercise of caution in the recognition and measurement of income and assets. To explore the relation of earnings level to accounting conservatism, the paper adopts quantile regression approach to re-examine Basu Model for the insight of return-earning asymmetric relation and accounting conservatism. Based on Chinese listed companies data of 2001-2003, the empirical results show that the degree of conservatism of accounting earnings are associated with the level of earnings. Specifically, firms with poor earnings will increase the level of accounting conservative. On the other hand, the level of conservative accounting is a decreasing function of earnings. The study implies that future research should control the earnings level effects.
This study investigates the impact of state ownership on the market valuation of Chinese listed companies through a quantile regression approach.The main objective of this study is to examine whether the proportion of state shareholding has different degrees of impact on the companies with different firm values.Soft budget con- straint is another important concern considered in this research.The main results are as follows.At first,state ownership has negative impact on finn value across finns with different...
This study investigates the impact of state ownership on the market valuation of Chinese listed companies through a quantile regression approach.The main objective of this study is to examine whether the proportion of state shareholding has different degrees of impact on the companies with different firm values.Soft budget con- straint is another important concern considered in this research.The main results are as follows.At first,state ownership has negative impact on finn value across finns with different values consistently.Moreover,it has sig- nificantly different degrees of impact to the companies with different finn values.The negative impact on better companies is more serious.Secondly,the phenomenon of soft budget constraint is not apparent.This may be at- tributed to that there is tradeoff between the benefit from the government's help and the harm induced by the manager's idleness and dependence on government.
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