[Abstract]:This paper is about the operation of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the face of the impact and pressure of international financial market under the existing financial market structural defects, as well as the relevant government policies. The structural defects of this module in China's economy originate from the financial structure and affect the credit ability of SMEs, while the external impact is caused by the regional and global financial crises. The academic significance of this paper lies in its important and basic contribution to the Chinese economy, the harmonious development of Chinese society, and the importance of the support of the Chinese government for this economic module and the mitigation of the impact of external shocks. In view of the difficulties in the study of pure data in China, this paper mainly uses previous studies as evidence. Due to the timeliness of the topic, part of the data comes from news reports and interviews. The conclusion of this paper is that, although the Chinese government has formulated effective policies for the short-term operation of the overall economy, it has failed to solve the structural problems and the impact of external shocks on small and medium-sized enterprises.
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