[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement and innovation of the market economy situation, the government financial function gradually scientific and market-oriented, how to use financial funds scientifically and rationally, improve the level of financial fund management in China. This is also the current government departments should pay close attention to the focus. The effective implementation of the reform of the equity investment of financial funds is conducive to improving the efficiency of the use of financial funds, so as to fully expand the influence of government funds, help the government to lighten its burden, and change the functions of the government in a timely manner. Ability to fully reflect its value in practice. The exploration of equity investment is another reform of the government's innovative investment mode under the new situation, and it is also a meaningful attempt to improve the efficiency of the use of financial investment funds. Based on this, this paper draws lessons from the practice of financial equity investment in the market economy, combines with recent cases of financial capital equity investment reform, and actively adopts reasonable development reform proposals, especially in the market-oriented economic environment. Some suggestions can be found to promote the reform and development of China's financial capital equity investment, and to promote the long-term development of China's financial capital equity investment reform.
【作者单位】: 蒙古财经大学财务处;
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