[Abstract]:On the basis of discussing the relevant theories of Agricultural Development Bank and Agricultural Development Bank, this paper analyzes and studies in detail the current situation and problems in the development process of Agricultural Development Bank of Panjin. On the basis of this, fully combining some requirements of Panjin city agricultural development on credit business at the present stage and some function mechanisms played by the Agricultural Development Bank in the process of constructing a new countryside, under the new situation full of various market competition, For the Agricultural Development Bank, how can it promote the further development of the rural social economy through the most scientific and effective way of supporting agriculture by credit, and at the same time create more social and economic benefits in the process? Research and design the corresponding strategy model and relevant safeguard measures. In the course of the research, the object of the Agricultural Development Bank's credit support for agriculture is locked on the farmers and the small operators. The fields of the credit support for agriculture include not only the granting of loans, It also covers related services such as loan payments and deposits. From a short time point of view, there is some imbalance between the credit support of Panjin Agricultural Development Bank and the rural social economy. However, in the long run, in the process of rural social and economic development in China, Agricultural Development Bank credit will play an irreplaceable role in its stability and healthy development. Panjin Agricultural Development Bank has no obvious influence on the local rural social economy in the course of agricultural loan issuance. Panjin Agricultural Development Bank loan should play the following roles in the process of issuing: first, optimize the allocation of local resources; second, maximize the growth of local rural social economy, and then increase the economic income of farmers; Third, stimulate domestic demand, promote agricultural reproduction; fourth, improve agricultural production technology based on scientific methods. However, in this process there are also shortcomings and defects in various aspects. Therefore, on the basis of fully affirming the role played by the Agricultural Development Bank's credit support to agriculture, we should focus our reform on supporting the construction of comprehensive agricultural production capacity, supporting farmers' sustained and rapid income growth, and vigorously supporting the construction of new rural areas. We should vigorously support the development of county economy, the construction of rural social service system and the innovation of financial products and services.
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