[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the deepening of financial system reform, private capital vitality has been fully released. In recent years, microfinance companies have ushered in a blowout development period, and gradually developed into an indispensable part of the credit market. The continuous promotion of the pilot projects of microfinance companies has greatly changed the many drawbacks of traditional policies to support financial institutions, enhanced the flexibility and vitality of the financial market, and standardized the behavior of the private credit market. And has given full play to the loan capital to the farmer household and the small and medium-sized enterprise development promotion function. However, with the continuous expansion of loan business coverage, the risk management problem of microfinance companies began to come out gradually. The effective management and control of loan risk will become the key factor that affects the sustainable and stable development of microfinance companies. Based on this, this paper chooses Lanzhou Microloan Company as the research object, synthetically using management, economics, statistics and other theoretical knowledge and research methods, to conduct in-depth investigation on the risk management of Lanzhou micro-credit company. It can not only clarify the main influencing factors of risk management performance of Lanzhou microfinance company, but also explore the risk management practice of Lanzhou microfinance company. On the basis of literature retrieval and data collection, this paper reviews the related concepts and basic theories of risk management in microfinance companies. Secondly, it summarizes the general situation and specific development characteristics of Lanzhou Microloan Company, and summarizes the main risks, risk management difficulties and causes of Lanzhou Microloan Company. Thirdly, from the empirical point of view, the risk management performance of small loan companies in Lanzhou City is investigated, and on this basis, From the aspects of optimizing the external environment of risk management and perfecting the internal risk management system, the countermeasures and suggestions for strengthening the risk management of small loan companies in Lanzhou City are put forward. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, Lanzhou Microloan Company mainly serves farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and has the characteristics of flexible loan issuance, simple procedures and novel service technology; Secondly, the risk of Lanzhou micro-loan company is mainly credit risk, management risk and liquidity risk, and the risk management dilemma is mainly reflected in imperfect system construction, incomplete organizational structure and unscientific management process. Thirdly, the main factors influencing the risk management of Lanzhou micro-loan company are the loan repayment ability of the lender, the bad credit record, the loan repayment condition and the management level of the loan company, among which, The influence of loan repayment ability and management level of loan company is most obvious.
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