[Abstract]:In the past ten years, the level of national income in China has been significantly improved, and the willingness of investors to invest has become stronger and stronger, and the traditional savings and financial management has been unable to meet the financial needs of people. The rapid growth of bank wealth management products and trust products shows that people are more and more inclined to invest independently and diversified. With the introduction of margin trading and stock index futures, the profit model of investors in the stock market has changed from the previous one-way profit to the present two-way profit, and the investment space has been further expanded. China's financial system continues to improve, the financial market is also more and more developed, but the development of financial derivatives is still slightly inadequate. The development level of financial derivatives shows the strength of financial innovation ability. Only by maintaining strong financial innovation ability can we ensure the ability of financial market resource allocation and transaction efficiency. Vigorously developing financial derivatives can not only stimulate China's financial innovation ability, but also make investors have more investment channels and profit space. There are two ways to develop financial derivatives: one is to directly design and develop financial derivatives suitable for China's financial environment, the other is to introduce foreign financial derivatives to revise the financial system of our country. Compared with the first way, the introduction of foreign existing financial derivatives has the advantages of low development cost and low operational risk. Although the types of foreign financial derivatives are complex, but the number of real suitable for China's financial environment is not many. After comparing and analyzing many foreign financial derivatives, the author finds that the price difference contract can not only meet the investment needs of investors, but also adapt to the financial environment of our country. Obviously, the introduction of price difference contracts in China's financial markets can benefit financial market participants a lot. Therefore, it is necessary for the author to carry on the related research to our country to introduce the price difference contract. This paper will discuss the feasibility of introducing the difference contract in our country, introduce and compare the structural characteristics, trading principle and market operation of the difference contract in detail, and finally plan and design the introduction of the difference contract according to the financial environment of our country.
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