[Abstract]:Under the background that the money supply of our country has reached the highest level in history and the first in the world, it is abnormal that there has been a shortage of money in the macroeconomic operation of our country since 2013. Using Marx's theory of capital circulation to see through the "shortage of money" in the economic transformation and development of our country under the situation of buyer's market, the main reason is that there are obstacles to the circulation and circulation of capital, which is caused by the deep imbalance of economic structure. According to Marx's theory of capital circulation realization, in order to solve the problem of "money shortage" in our country and prevent the emergence of new "money shortage" and financial risk, we must treat both the symptoms and the root causes. First, we should deepen the reform, restrain the investment impulse and profit-making impulse of several major interest subjects, and prevent "living money" from becoming "dead money". Second, we should pay attention to the realization of capital circulation and change "dead money" into "living money". Third, we should further highlight the expansion of consumer demand, speed up the transformation of commodity capital into monetary capital, and solve the basis of radical cure of "money shortage." Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen financial supervision, adjust the capital structure of banks, curb the excessive development of off-balance sheet business projects and "shadow banking"; fifth, attach importance to "effective supply innovation" in manufacturing and service industries and lead and create consumer demand; and sixth, improve the circulation system and channels, improve circulation efficiency, and speed up the realization of circulation.
【作者单位】: 湖南商学院;
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