本文关键词:职务犯罪侦查中的指定居所监视居住的执行监督制度的构建 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Since the implementation of the 2013 revision of the criminal procedure law, specify the application of compulsory measures residence monitoring has become the focus of attention of the academic circles and judicial circles. For the application of the compulsory measures in investigating crimes committed in the view that the compulsory measures can lead to detention in disguised form, basic human rights will be torture to extract confessions, the surveillance of residence there is also the view that violated the compulsory measures to help prosecutors investigating crimes cases, effectively solves the shortcomings of the past investigation, investigation is limited and other issues. The author believes that in the current environment of judicial China, retain designated residential monitoring enforcement measures has its necessity and rationality, just how to play the function should reflect the value worth exploring. The legal system of compulsory measures is not perfect, the lack of judicial practice The guideline, which leads to local prosecutors in the application of the compulsory measures is confusing. Some issued by the relevant rules, appeared some alternative provisions in the implementation, or even misinterpretation of the provisions of the spirit of the law, resulting in large operating space is there. Among them, the supervision system of compulsory measures, because by political economy, restricting the construction of the rule of law and judicial personnel's quality and other factors, often become the compulsory measures in the implementation of the most easily overlooked part, supervision legal problem, supervision and supervision of the exercise of authority is not strong sense of formal problems. Improve the supervision system of the compulsory measures will help to strengthen the control and regulation, to resolve the underlying possible protection of basic human rights crisis. This will be the prosecutors investigating crimes committed in the application of the compulsory measures as a starting point, only to The supervision system of compulsory measures of implementation activities as the research object. This thesis consists of four parts. The first part provides an overview of the application of designated residential monitoring system of duty crime cases, and other compulsory measures, do a comparative analysis of the characteristics and essence of compulsory measures specified residence under surveillance. The second part is the duty crime cases in the application of the supervision system of designated enforcement activities residence of residential surveillance system in a analysis, supervision, analysis of the current implementation of the supervision system in the supervision of the object, in the judicial practice of the status of supervision content and supervision means. The third part is from the measures of execution and supervision three aspects of subject, object and external environment to find the existence of the procuratorial organs for compulsory measures in investigating crimes committed in the system. In this paper we find The application, instead of the list of the implementation of the system problems, and from the constitution supervision system itself to from top to bottom examine its shortcomings. The fourth part is the supervision system of the legal system, analyses the existing problems in three aspects of system and mechanism, with a view to a more complete and more comprehensive the reflection of system obstacles to the compulsory measures exist deep-seated problems in the supervision process. The fifth part is put forward in the implementation of the supervision subject to the duty crime case for implementation of the supervision system designated residential monitoring, improve the measures for the implementation of supervision object and execution supervision on the construction of the external environment.
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