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发布时间:2018-01-01 02:01

  本文关键词:司法审判中的社会舆论因素研究 出处:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 舆论 司法公正 法治社会

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of social politics, economy and Internet technology in China, there are more and more hot cases in the public view in recent years, with the help of modern information media technology. Based on their own simple traditional legal value and universal moral standards, public opinion plays an important role in the current judicial trial: from Liu Yong case, Yao Jiaxin case, Li Changkui case to Deng Yujiao case, Xu Ting case. Wu Ying case, to Li Tianyi case, and so on, these cases in the trial were directly or indirectly affected by social factors, the judge suffered a relatively large pressure of public opinion. It can even be said that the final judgment is more or less mixed with the factors of public opinion, which affects the justice of the judicial trial, which is contrary to the social justice, and the result of the trial is unfair, which is not conducive to the culture of the rule of law. The development of benign rule of law. As a professional lawyer, I participate in a large number of criminal cases of litigation, the trial process of the case, personally feel the public opinion on the judicial proceedings, judicial trial results. The spirit of judicial justice has a great impact. In the establishment of the rule of law society has not yet reached a mature stage, the public have a preliminary understanding of the concept of the rule of law, but not impressed. Flexible non-rule of law factors such as public opinion still play an important role in the judicial trial is a double-edged sword mainly concentrated in the following two aspects: favorable public opinion can provide social supervision for judicial trial. The internal supervision from the external breakthrough is more effective and helps to maintain judicial justice; On the other hand, public opinion is controlled by the will of the individual, which results in the trial result being contrary to the judicial justice. From the angle of theory and practice, the author tries to explore the social factors and influence of public opinion on judicial justice from the angle of theory and practice combined with the professional theoretical knowledge and the experience of participating in judicial practice in recent years. Put forward the problems in the trial process, analyze the causes of the problems in the trial process, and then put forward feasible suggestions to solve the problems, to promote the development of the socialist rule of law and the sound of the rule of law. More conducive to the protection of citizens' rights and interests, to reflect judicial justice.


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