本文关键词:《人民日报》苏联体育报道的发展阶段及其功能分析 出处:《北京体育大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文运用文献资料法、内容分析法、历史分析法从国家形象的视角出发,对于1949年-1991年《人民日报》苏联体育报道进行分析研究。 本文以1949年以后,中苏外交发展史为基础,结合《人民日报》苏联体育报道的具体报道情况,将研究阶段划分为三个阶段:《人民日报》苏联体育报道赞扬期(1949.10-1963.09)、《人民日报》苏联体育报道批判期(1963.10-1980.11)、《人民日报》苏联体育报道的客观期(1980.12-1991.12)。 研究显示,赞扬期《人民日报》苏联体育报道以正面报道的形式大量介绍苏联体育所取得的成就,同时也着重报道了中苏两国频繁的体育交流。这一时期的报道呈现出一定的政治认同功能。即《人民日报》通过体育新闻报道,来展现中国对苏联体育成就、体育理念的认同,其幕后的根本认同在于对苏联意识形态的认同。 批判期《人民日报》苏联体育报道报道数量上大幅下滑,同时报道对苏联进行强烈的批判。这种批判主要集中在苏联的霸权主义扩张方面。批判期的报道,体育报道已经失去其原本的属性,呈现出一种对政治的高度依附性。成为批判苏联霸权主义与修正主义的一个宣传工具。整体上,赞扬期报道中描述的苏联的强大在批判期异化为一种国家霸权主义的极端现象。 客观期《人民日报》苏联体育报道,在报道数量上有所回升,同时报道在立场与修辞等方面趋于中性与客观。客观期的报道更多只是限于体育赛事本身,报道基本集中于竞技体育赛事层面,但这恰恰让客观期《人民日报》苏联体育报道淡化了政治色彩,开始尊重和恢复体育新闻传播的一般规律和特性。 从本次研究的结果来看,《人民日报》苏联体育报道直接受到国家在政治、经济、外交、文化等方面政策的影响。特别是在赞扬期和批判期,苏联体育报道与两国政治外交联系非常紧密,随着改革开放的到来,这种影响开始下滑,但并未消失。同时,报道在不同阶段的演变,其所具备的功能同样发生着相应的变化。
[Abstract]:Based on the methods of literature, content analysis and history analysis, this paper analyzes and studies the sports reports of the Soviet Union from 1949 to 1991 from the perspective of national image. This article is based on the history of Sino-Soviet diplomatic development after 1949, combined with the specific reports of the Soviet Union sports reports. The research stage is divided into three stages: the Soviet sports report praise period 1949.10-1963.09). The critical period of sports report in Soviet Union was 1963.10-1980.11, and the objective period of sports report in USSR was 1980.12-1991.12. The research shows that the Soviet sports reports in the praise period "People's Daily" introduce the achievements of the Soviet sports in a large amount in the form of positive reports. At the same time, it also focuses on the frequent sports exchanges between China and the Soviet Union. This period of the report showed a certain function of political identity. That is, "People's Daily" through sports news reports, to show China's sports achievements to the Soviet Union. The basic identity of sports concept lies in the identity of Soviet ideology. During the critical period, the number of sports reports in the Soviet Union dropped sharply, while the Soviet Union was strongly criticized. This criticism was mainly focused on the expansion of the Soviet Union's hegemonism. Sports report has lost its original attribute, showing a high degree of dependence on politics. It has become a propaganda tool for criticizing Soviet hegemonism and revisionism. Praise the Soviet power described in the critical period alienation as an extreme phenomenon of national hegemonism. In the objective period of "People's Daily", the number of sports reports in the Soviet Union has rebounded, while the reports tend to be neutral and objective in the aspects of stance and rhetoric, while the reports in the objective period are more limited to the sports events themselves. The report is basically concentrated on the level of competitive sports events, but this precisely makes the Soviet sports report in the objective period desalinate the political color, and begin to respect and restore the general rules and characteristics of sports news dissemination. From the results of this study, the sports reports of the Soviet Union are directly influenced by the state's political, economic, diplomatic, cultural and other policies, especially in the period of praise and criticism. With the coming of reform and opening up, the influence of sports report of the Soviet Union is very close to the political and diplomatic relations of the two countries, but it has not disappeared. At the same time, the report has evolved in different stages. Its function also has the corresponding change.
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