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发布时间:2018-01-04 22:18

  本文关键词:明末版画的繁荣与式微 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 明代 经济 木刻版画 浮世绘 反思

【摘要】:明代洪武年间,百姓的户籍不得随意改动,从农村到城市所有的人口都处于封建朝廷的严密控制之下,任何人不得擅自流动,外出百里之外必须持有官府发给的“路引”(通行证),没有路引者即为流民。洪武年间对户籍制度的严密管理和制约,着实超越于前代。而到了万历年间,由于皇帝常年不上朝,对官员既不升迁也不罢免,政治经济制度比洪武年间宽松了许多,农民在农闲时期便纷纷涌入东南沿海,在陶瓷、丝织等作坊内劳作赚取报酬。有了充足的劳动力,明末的商品经济便得到了长足的发展。另一方面,明朝中晚期“心学”的“学贵得之于心”的观点的提出,对孔子的地位提出质疑,不以孔子的是非标准为准绳,而以内心作为价值标准,扩大了内心的作用,具有思想解放的重要意义。 明末商品经济的发展和提倡自我回归、自我解放的心学的兴起,促进了文学艺术的发展,形成了明末特有的市民文学,即各种题材的话本小说、戏剧、诗歌、酒牌叶子、旅游图册,读者数量的激增带动了出版业的发展,所以说市民文学是明末版画繁荣的沃土。按照版画类别大致可分为五类,即:画谱、名胜山水图、先贤传、绣像插图和酒牌叶子。 当时版画繁荣原因的一个重要方面是颇负盛名的文人知识分子加入进来,撰写赞诗、描摹图画。一大批优秀画家的加入,瞬间为这一时期的版画创作带来了无比的生机与活力,一扫洪武年至明中叶版画创作的程式化,开始变得别开生面,生机勃勃。而且画家与刻工的联系更为紧密,这就保证了优秀作品的诞生。而这些版画作品几乎全部依附于文字并以插图的形式出现,在商品经济繁荣、心学大盛的历史背景下,带有自己强烈的时代特征。 明末版画还影响了亚洲的美术发展,尤其是日本,继而日本的浮世绘的营养又被西方国家的艺术家们吸取,结出了丰硕的果实。而且基本处在在同时期的欧洲,版画的生命力也比明末以后的中国版画长久许多,这种现象不禁引人深思。
[Abstract]:During the reign of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty , people ' s household registration should not be changed at will . All the people from the countryside to the city should be under the tight control of the feudal court . No one should flow freely . There is no way for anyone to move . The political and economic system is more relaxed than that of Hongwu . On the other hand , there is plenty of labor force , and the commodity economy of the Ming Dynasty has been greatly expanded . On the other hand , the inner part of the Ming Dynasty , which is the criterion of value , has expanded the inner function and has the important meaning of ideological emancipation . The development of commodity economy in the late Ming Dynasty and the rise of self - return and self - liberation promoted the development of literature and art . One of the most important aspects of the cause of the prosperity of the layout was the inclusion of the famous scholar intellectuals , the writing of the praise poems and the tracing of pictures . A large number of outstanding painters were joined by a large number of outstanding artists , and the creation of a great number of excellent artists had brought the birth of excellent works . It also influenced Asia ' s fine arts development , especially in Japan , and then Japan ' s floating - world nutrition was absorbed by the artists of Western countries , yielding fruitful fruit . And basically in Europe in the same period , the vitality of the layout was much longer than that of the Chinese version after the end of the Ming Dynasty .



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