发布时间:2018-01-12 15:19
本文关键词:主流经济学数学化的内在逻辑 出处:《教学与研究》2017年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The mathematics of mainstream economics is not only due to the progress of mathematical science, but also its internal logic. The transformation of the object of economic research has laid the logical foundation of the mathematical transformation of mainstream economics. Through the assumption of solving the utility and other variable econometric problems, it breaks through the methodological barriers of mainstream economics mathematics, and the establishment of research paradigm promotes the systematization of mainstream economics mathematics. Economic planning and the formation of academic community promote the process of mainstream economics mathematics. It is helpful to understand the history, motive force and essence of mathematics in mainstream economics, and it is of great significance to grasp the basic clue of economic history.
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学经济学院;
【基金】:中央民族大学2017年度“建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金”支持项目“经济学方法论研究”(项目号:2017007) 中央民族大学优秀青年人才项目“新古典均衡价值理论中的意识形态研究”(项目号:2017MDYQ07)的阶段性成果
【正文快照】: 主流经济学是在当今世界上占主导地位的资产阶级经济学,称之为“主流”,是因为在当今世界经济体系中,以美国为首的国际金融垄断资本依然占主导地位,决定了反映其利益和意识形态的经济学成为主流经济学。正像马克思所说,“支配着物质生产资料的阶级,同时也支配着精神生产的资料
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