本文关键词:美丽厦门建设背景下后房溪滨海小流域综合治理模式探究 出处:《国家海洋局第三海洋研究所》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 滨海小流域 复合生态系统 后房溪 治理模式 美丽厦门 美丽小流域
[Abstract]:Xiamen has many small watersheds with a total area of 939km2, accounting for 60 percent of the city's land area. With the release of the strategic plan for beautiful Xiamen, Xiamen will take "Big Bay, Big Mountains and Seas". "Big Garden" is the three major development strategies to promote the overall development of regional politics, economy, society, culture and ecology. But at present, there is a shortage of water resources and deterioration of water quality in the coastal small watershed of Xiamen City. A series of ecological environmental problems, such as ecosystem degradation, have affected the construction of beautiful Xiamen. Therefore, combined with the background of the construction of beautiful Xiamen, the scientific, reasonable and efficient comprehensive management model of coastal small watershed is explored. It is of great significance to promote the realization of the strategic goal of beautiful Xiamen. However, the traditional small watershed management model mainly focuses on the ecological, economic or social aspects of the small watershed. The lack of ecological, economic, social and other factors in the small watershed from the perspective of complex ecosystem, often lead to low governance efficiency. The effect of governance is difficult to be maintained for a long time. This paper discusses the comprehensive management model of Fangxi Binhai small watershed under the background of beautiful Xiamen construction. The main research contents and results are as follows: (1) after combing and analyzing the progress of small watershed management at home and abroad, based on systematics analysis thought, comprehensive use of relevant basic theory, from the perspective of ecosystem. The integrated management model of small watershed is the project of coordination, control and management of ecological, economic and social subsystems in the complex ecosystem of small watershed. And summarized the small watershed complex ecosystem comprehensive management thought, including the integrated management characteristic, the basic principle and the comprehensive management strategy. From the view of the theory of small watershed complex ecosystem, the relationship between the construction of beautiful Xiamen and the comprehensive management of coastal small watershed is discussed. This paper discusses the idea of constructing beautiful small watershed and regards it as an effective comprehensive way and method to promote the construction of beautiful Xiamen. On the basis of analyzing the resources and environment of small watershed, the present situation of social economy and the main environmental problems, the successful experience of typical practice model is used for reference, combined with the result of SWOT analysis of small watershed and the thought of overall planning of sea and land. The integrated model of ecotourism and small watershed management is put forward to promote the cooperative development of land and sea. Aiming at the construction of beautiful small watershed, the corresponding management strategies are put forward from three aspects of ecology, economy and society. The model and strategy have important practical guiding significance for comprehensive management of Houfangxi coastal small watershed.
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