本文关键词: 日本因素 两岸关系 日本右翼势力 “台独”势力 出处:《华中师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As the symbol of the "rotten tail" of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party more than 60 years ago, the Taiwan issue has a dual character: it is not only the product of history, but also the status quo that China must face; Although rooted in the internal affairs of sovereign states, more and more complicated international factors are involved, such as geopolitical and geo-economic considerations. It can be predicted that the level of American intervention in the Taiwan Strait game will be reduced in the future, while the weight of Japan will be greatly increased, although the external pressure now hindering the reunification of the two sides of the strait mainly comes from the United States. However, in the future, the Japanese factor will become increasingly prominent and eventually become a direct obstacle to the reunification of the two sides of the strait. Therefore, the study of the Japanese factor in cross-strait relations after the war. With the promotion of the strategic value of Taiwan in the triangular relationship between China and Japan, Japan gradually linked the issue of the Taiwan Strait to its own safety. The emergence of a group of members of Parliament with a strong "Taiwan complex" has formed the "Taiwan Gang" in Japanese political circles, and is based on the maintenance of "cultural ties." Japan regards the Taiwan Strait as Japan's "lifeline" and does not want to be controlled by China after its reunification, which poses a threat to Japan, as well as a combination of factors such as the strategic plot of Japan and the United States to use Taiwan to contain the rise of China. The Japanese right-wingers' plan to bring Taiwan back into their control has never stopped, and since the end of World War II, the Japanese government has been implementing the "two Chinas" for a long time, either explicitly or implicitly. The "one China, one Taiwan" strategy towards China: during the period between the end of the war and the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, the Japanese Government maintained Taiwan's strategic dependence on Japan through the implementation of the "two Chinas" policy and realized checks and balances on China. Creating a deadlock atmosphere of mutual restraint, hostility and competition between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, transforming the two sides' support for Japan into political and economic rights and interests, and realizing the maximization of Japan's interests; After the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations until the end of the Cold War, the Japanese right-wing forces' implementation of the "two Chinas" policy changed from a clear one to a dark one, and was limited to secretly accumulating forces to support the Taiwan authorities to compete with the mainland. Since the end of the Cold War, with the push of right-wing elements, Japan's involvement in Taiwan Strait affairs has moved from behind the scenes to the front of Taiwan, and Taiwan has become the "common regional strategic goal" of the United States and Japan. There has been a breakthrough in the substantive "military security" contiguity between Taiwan and Japan.The deepening of Japan's involvement in Taiwan Strait affairs has not only made it more difficult for the two sides of the strait to achieve peaceful reunification. It also fuels Japan's domestic rightwing ambitions to re-enter Taiwan, posing a potential threat to peace in the Asia-Pacific region.
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