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发布时间:2018-03-01 20:12

  本文关键词: 行政审判规范 冲突 预防机制 解决规则 司法能动性 出处:《广西民族大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:For the first time, the fourth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee took "administration by law" as the main theme of the plenary session. One of the important contents of this meeting was to promote judicial independence. Promoting the reform and development of the judicial system... that justice is the last barrier to the protection of public rights, It is also an important guarantee for the smooth running of the country according to law. One of the most important requirements for safeguarding judicial justice is the unification and coordination of judicial norms, and the unification and coordination of judicial norms. Especially in the key period of the construction of service-oriented government in our country, the unification and coordination of administrative trial norms can integrate the relationship between the government and citizens, and regulate the administrative management behavior rationally, especially in the key period of the construction of the service-oriented government in our country, which helps to ensure the fairness and justice of the court trial. It is of vital significance to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart effectively. However, the existence of the conflict of administrative trial norms will break the harmonious relationship between the officials and the people, damage the authority of the constitution and the law, and undermine the unity of the national legal system. The serious infringement of judicial justice, the inability to effectively supervise the administration of administrative organs according to law, the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of administrative counterparts, the loss of public trust in the government and the loss of confidence in the administration of justice, Thus affecting the advancement of the construction of a socialist country ruled by law in our country. The unique political, economic, cultural, historical, national and regional characteristics of our country determine the legislative system of "one dollar, two levels and multiple levels". As a result of the plurality of legislative subjects and the vagueness of legislative authority in our country, the situation of different laws and regulations has emerged, resulting in various laws, regulations, rules and regulations duplicating each other in content. Conflicts mainly include conflicts between vertical administrative legal norms and horizontal administrative legal norms. The conflicts are mainly embodied in laws, administrative regulations, local regulations, rules and regulations, This article is based on the reality of legislation under the administrative law normative system of our country, under the background of the rapid development of social politics, economy and other aspects of our country, such as the conflict between the autonomy regulations and the separate regulations and the laws and regulations of the Special Administrative region. This paper points out that the conflict of administrative legal norms is inevitable and widespread in our country, defines its concept and describes its characteristics, and analyzes the specific types of conflict of administrative legal norms from four angles of vertical and horizontal, intertemporal and interregional. From the system root, the region factor and the economic root three aspects probes into its administrative trial norm conflict causes, analyzes the conflict to produce the malpractice, and attempts from the prevention mechanism, In the aspects of resolving the rules and giving full play to the judicial initiative of the judges, this paper puts forward some feasible ways to resolve the conflict of the administrative trial norms in our country.


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