发布时间:2018-03-17 09:14
本文选题:南亚地区 切入点:马列毛主义 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:南亚地区毛主义的产生不是偶然的,它是南亚地区各国经济、政治和社会发展的产物,是南亚各国社会基本矛盾集中发展的结果。20世纪40年代末,中国革命的胜利和新中国建设的历史性成就,极大地鼓舞了南亚各国人民争取民族解放和社会主义的斗争,以至在南亚一些国家的共产党内产生了主张以毛泽东思想为指导和走中国式革命道路的“毛泽东主义”派别。20世纪60年代国际共产主义运动的大辩论和大分裂,激化了各国共产党内有关不同革命发展道路问题的争论,并导致南亚地区各国共产党中的毛主义派别最终分裂出来。它们纷纷单独建立了全国性的共产党组织(毛主义),坚持武装斗争道路开展以夺取国家政权为目标的“人民战争”,被人们称为毛主义运动。 在半个多世纪的历史发展进程中,南亚地区毛主义先后经历了高潮、低潮、复兴和整合的四个阶段,如今已经发展成为影响南亚地区社会发展的一支不可忽视的政治力量。当前的南亚地区毛主义,有完整而系统的革命理论作指导,提出了明确的革命纲领和政治斗争目标,制定了有效的革命战略路线和现实政策,建立了严密的政党、军队和各类群众组织,还拥有以广大农村和边远山区为依托的游击区和革命根据地。 人们习惯称谓的南亚地区毛主义,实际上是南亚各国共产党中的毛主义派别对马列主义毛泽东思想进行异域解读和革命理论的本土建构的结果。在它们的眼中,马列毛主义是 ·个统一的不可分割的整体,其中马列主义是基础,毛泽东主义是马列主义的新发展,马列毛主义是马克思主义发展到第三阶段的产物。南亚地区毛主义强调,毛泽东主义在理论上阐释了落后的半殖民地半封建国家如何实现社会主义的理论与策略,因而对于仍然是半殖民地半封建性质的南亚各国来说,坚持毛泽东主义就是坚持马列主义。南亚地区毛主义将本国的社会主义革命分为两个阶段,即新民主主义革命阶段和社会主义革命阶段。实现社会主义并最终过渡到共产主义,是南亚地区毛主义的最高革命纲领;而现阶段的革命纲领,则是开展并完成反帝反封建和反对官僚买办资本主义的新民主主义革命,为社会主义革命扫清障碍和开辟道路。在取得政权的革命策略上,南亚地区毛主义主张开展以土地革命为基础的“持久的人民战争”,走农村包围城市并最后夺取国家政权的道路。同时,它们并不拒绝在有利条件下和政府谈判,通过议会选举,和平民主地取得国家政权。在夺取全国政权之后,党的任务是努力实现新民主主义的政治、经济、文化和社会的基本纲领,为社会主义革命和社会主义建设准备基础。由此可见,南亚地区毛主义是发源于科学社会主义的一个思潮和流派,是南亚地区正在兴起的一场社会主义运动,南亚地区毛主义政党则是马克思主义的工人阶级政党。 进入21世纪以来,尤其是“9·11事件”发生以后,南亚地区毛主义一方面是仍然取得了一定的发展:尼泊尔联合共产党(毛主义)在结束十年之久的“人民战争”后,通过议会选举的道路对国家政权展开争夺;印度共产党(毛主义)也正在进行着艰难的武装斗争与非武装斗争;不丹共产党(马列毛主义)则宣称正在为发起“人民战争”而进行着各项准备;孟加拉马列毛主义共产党在党的组织建设上也迈出了新步伐。另一方面,南亚地区毛主义同样面临着严峻挑战。首先,是南亚地区各国政府在以美国为首的国际垄断资本的支持下,打着反对恐怖主义的旗号,加强了对南亚各国毛主义的有组织的清剿行动,从而使南亚各国的毛主义面临着生存危机,其斗争处于非常困难的境地;其次,是新的发展困难使南亚地区毛主义原本存在着的诸多矛盾日益被激化,特别是党内存在着理论与策略的分歧有可能进一步导致组织分裂的危险;最后,为了有效应对新挑战,南亚地区的毛主义政党需要进行新的理论和政策的调整,进一步完善自身的理论与政策,克服过激的理论与政策,努力争取中间群众,以期摆脱面临的生存危机,并谋求进一步的发展。 南亚地区各国毛主义的未来发展,一方面取决于南亚地区经济政治的发展能否为其进一步发展提供其有利的生存空间;另一方面则取决于南亚地区毛主义政党理论与策略的正确,并获得到广大人民群众的拥护和支持。所以这是一个“内外兼修”的过程。
[Abstract]:South Asia Maoist production is not accidental, it is the economy of all countries in South Asia, the product of political and social development, is the basic contradiction of society to focus on the development of South Asian countries results in.20 century at the end of 40s, China revolution and new Chinese construction achievements, greatly inspired the people of South Asia for national liberation and socialism the struggle, and the proposition guided by Mao Zedong thought and China revolutionary road "Mao Zedong doctrine" factions debate in 60s of the international communist movement.20 century and split in some countries in South Asia in the Communist Party, the intensification of the different development path of the Communist revolution in the debate, and lead to South Asia countries the Communist Party of the Maoist faction eventually split up. They have established a nationwide organization of the Communist Party (Maoist), insist on The "people's war" on the road of armed struggle, which aims to capture state power, is called the Maoist movement.
More than half a century in the history of the development process, the Maoists in South Asia has experienced the climax, low tide, four stage revival and integration, has now become a political force to be reckoned with influence in South Asia. The current social development in South Asia Maoism is a complete system of revolutionary theory the guidance, put forward a clear revolutionary programme and political struggle, to develop the effective route of revolutionary strategy and practical policy, establish a strict party, army and various mass organizations, also has to the vast rural and remote mountainous areas based on the guerrilla zones and the revolutionary base.
The Maoism in South Asia, which is commonly used as a name, is actually the result of the Maoist faction in the Communist Party of South Asia and the local construction of Marxist Leninist Mao Zedong thought and revolutionary theory. In their eyes, Marxism Leninism is Mao's theory.
A unified and indivisible whole, which is the foundation of Marxism Leninism, the Mao Zedong doctrine is the new development of Marxism, Marxism Leninism Maoism is a product of Marx's development into third stages. In South Asia the Maoists stressed that Mao Zedong's interpretation of the theory in the semi colonial and semi feudal country to realize how backward theory and strategy socialism, so for South Asian countries is still a semi colonial and semi feudal nature of, adhere to the Mao Zedong doctrine is to insist on Marxism Leninism Maoism. South Asia national socialist revolution is divided into two stages, namely the new democratic revolution stage and the stage of the socialist revolution. To realize socialism and eventually transition to communism is the highest revolution South Asia programme of Maoist; and at this stage of the revolution, is to carry out and complete the anti imperialist and anti feudal and bureaucratic comprador capital main opposition The meaning of the new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and pave the way for the open road. Gained power in the revolutionary strategy, South Asia Maoist advocate on the basis of land revolution "protracted people's war", and finally go encircling the city to seize state power road. At the same time, they do not refuse to negotiate under favorable conditions and the government, elected by parliament, to achieve peace and democracy state. After liberation, the party's task is to realize the new democratic political, economic, cultural and social basic program, prepare foundation for the socialist revolution and socialist construction. Thus, the Maoists in South Asia is a school of thought originated in science socialism, is a socialist movement in South Asia is rising, South Asia Maoist party is the Marx doctrine of the working class Political parties.
Since twenty-first Century, especially after the 9 / 11 attacks occurred in South Asia, the Maoist one is still made some progress: the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) at the end of the ten year long "people's war", by the way of the state parliamentary election battle; the Communist Party of India (Mao ") is also undergoing a difficult armed struggle and non armed struggle; Bhutan Communist Party (Marxist Leninist Maoist) claimed is to launch a" people's war "for the preparation; Bangladesh Marxist Leninist Maoist Communist Party in the party's organization construction has taken a new step. On the other hand, the Maoists also face south Asia a grim challenge. First of all, South Asia governments in the US led international monopoly capital support, the name of anti-terrorism banner, strengthening of the South Asian countries Maoist Organization of the crackdown, so that South Asia Maoist is facing the survival crisis, the struggle in a very difficult position; secondly, is the development of new difficulties to South Asia Maoist many contradictions exist originally has been intensified, especially the risk existing within the party theory and strategy differences may result in a further organization split; finally, in order to effectively deal with the new challenges, South Asia's Maoist party needs new theory and policy adjustments, to further improve the theory and policy of its own, overcome the theory and policy of radical, strive for the masses in order to get rid of the middle, facing the crisis of survival, and seek further development.
The future development in South Asia countries the Maoists, on the one hand, depends on the development of political economy in South Asia can provide the favorable living space for its further development; on the other hand, South Asia depends on the Maoist party theory and strategy correctly, and to get the people's support and support. So this is a process of a "Neiwaijianxiu".
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