本文选题:国有企业 + 国企改革 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The principle of competition neutrality is designed to contain the unfair competitive advantages given by the government for the state owned by the state owned enterprises and to create a fair, fair and free competitive environment. The first principle of competition neutrality was established by Australia in order to ensure the fair competition between the government and private enterprises in business activities. On the basis of this, the development organization (OECD) has further expanded the principle and formed the current principle of competition neutrality. With the closer ties of politics, economy and culture, more and more countries and international organizations have absorbed and developed the principle of competition neutrality, and the influence of the principle of competition neutrality has also been expanded from developed countries to development. At the same time, the bilateral and multilateral trade agreements concluded by several countries have also introduced the principle of competitive neutrality to provide a fair competitive environment for all enterprises. The proper solution of the relationship between the government and the market is a problem facing all the governments of the world. The nature, location and role of the state-owned enterprises are the relationship between the government and the market. The core. It is an important content of the reform of the state-owned enterprises to perfect the legal norms of the governance of the state-owned enterprises and further deal with the relationship between the government and the market. The principle of competition neutrality has advantages and disadvantages to our country. On the one hand, it can provide a new way for the governance of the state-owned enterprises in our country, accelerate the reform of the state-owned enterprises and improve the state-owned enterprises. The market competitiveness will promote the development of state-owned enterprises, on the other hand, it may hinder the macroeconomic regulation and control of China's economy and impede the development of foreign trade of state-owned enterprises in China. Through the analysis of the historical process and existing problems of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China, it is possible to know that the difficulties of the reform of the state-owned enterprises lie in the lack of property rights incentive for the state-owned enterprises. Because of the lack of responsibility and serious administrative dependence, it is necessary to introduce the principle of competitive neutrality to promote the further development of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China. Although the principle of competition neutrality has a great impetus to the development of the reform of state-owned enterprises in China, the principle of competition neutrality aims to completely eliminate the incorrectness of the state owned enterprises based on the "state owned nature". When the competitive advantage is in contradiction with the current economic development strategy of our country, we should absorb the part of the reform of China's state-owned enterprises which can be applied in the principle of competitive neutrality and eliminate the contents that do not conform to the national conditions of our country. First, we should draw on the relevant parts of the principle of competitive neutrality to promote the reform of the state-owned enterprises in our country. China's monopoly law of antimonopoly and the relevant regulations on state owned enterprises and government restrictions on competition. Secondly, we should further promote the reform of the mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises; finally, we should accelerate the improvement of the system of state-owned enterprises' classification management and the management system of the company. Second, we should build up the competition in accordance with the needs of the reform of state-owned enterprises in our country. The system of neutrality, the scope of its application, its application exceptions, the establishment of a complete review mechanism, the complaint mechanism and the information disclosure mechanism, provide institutional support for the application of the principle of competition neutrality in the reform of state-owned enterprises in our country. Third, we should adhere to the development strategy of China's state-owned enterprises going out, expand our FTA network and expand the state-owned enterprises. The international influence of the industry.
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