political and economic 在 中国古代史 分类中 的翻译结果
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The Mode of Settlement in the Shang Dynasty and the Political and Economic Views It Embodies 商代聚落模式及其所体现的政治经济景观 短句来源 A Glimpse of the Political and Economic Rights and Interests of the Noblemen of Early Han as Revealed by Bamboo Slips of Zhangjiashan 从张家山汉律说汉初列侯的政治经济权益 短句来源 Research on Political and Economic Situation in the Western Regions in Earlier Tang Dynasty through Studying on "Account of Expenses of Money and Goods" 从《唐支用钱练帐》考察唐初西域的政治经济状况 短句来源 This paper discusses the development and political and economic status of the great families in Liao Dynasty according to the divisions of major nationalities. 本文按主要民族划分,论述了辽代世家大族的发展状况及其政治经济地位。 短句来源 The overall crisis of the feudal system led to the centralizationof power in the princes' states in the Warring States, which gave birth to transformation in China's political and economic system, social constitution and culture. 封建体制全面深刻的危机推动了战国时期诸侯国内的集权运动,催生了新的政治经济制度以及社会结构、思想文化的转型。 短句来源 更多 The Mode of Settlement in the Shang Dynasty and the Political and Economic Views It Embodies 商代聚落模式及其所体现的政治经济景观 短句来源 A Glimpse of the Political and Economic Rights and Interests of the Noblemen of Early Han as Revealed by Bamboo Slips of Zhangjiashan 从张家山汉律说汉初列侯的政治经济权益 短句来源 Research on Political and Economic Situation in the Western Regions in Earlier Tang Dynasty through Studying on "Account of Expenses of Money and Goods" 从《唐支用钱练帐》考察唐初西域的政治经济状况 短句来源 This paper discusses the development and political and economic status of the great families in Liao Dynasty according to the divisions of major nationalities. 本文按主要民族划分,论述了辽代世家大族的发展状况及其政治经济地位。 短句来源 The overall crisis of the feudal system led to the centralizationof power in the princes' states in the Warring States, which gave birth to transformation in China's political and economic system, social constitution and culture. 封建体制全面深刻的危机推动了战国时期诸侯国内的集权运动,催生了新的政治经济制度以及社会结构、思想文化的转型。 短句来源 更多 Illustrations of those who spread the idea of governing the country by noninterference about ways to apply Daoist ideology to solving political and economic problems indicate the unanimity of the Daoist political concept in early Han Dynasty with traditional Daoist ideology. 汉初提倡把道家思想作为治国指导思想的代表人物对于道家思想如何运用到解决汉初的政治和经济问题这一理论创新进行了一系列的论述和解释,也体现了汉初道家所提倡的无为而治的政治理念与传统道家的一致性。 短句来源 A Tentative Discussion on Political and Economic Policy Towards Tibetan Areas In Early Ming Dynasty 试论明初对藏族地区的政治与经济政策 短句来源 A Tentative Discussion on Political and Economic Policy Towards Tibetan Areas In Early Ming Dynasty 试论明初对藏族地区的政治与经济政策 短句来源 Although its appearance had profund social,political and economic causes, it was closely related to Wang Shou-ren's psychology theory structure and educational activities. 它的出现 ,固然有其深刻的社会政治与经济的原因 ,但与王守仁心学思想的构建及其从事的教育活动 ,亦有着密切的关系 短句来源
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political and economic
However, Taiwan will face more challenges from the People's Republic of China (PRC) because the PRC has intensified its political and economic relations with Malaysia since the early 1990s.
Both historic and contemporary socio-political and economic circumstances at the national level are the root causes of these demographic changes.
It is argued that most of Cameroon's present political and economic problems can be traced to non-democratic constitutionalism at independence.
This paper examines the emergence of a complex socio-political and economic conflict over unequal land and natural resources control in Zimbabwe, focusing on the post independence period from 1980.
This paper provides an overview of the development and evolution of the concept of ummah and its usage in Islamic discourse to explain the current social, political and economic conditions of the Muslim world.
Wala (or West Mongol) became powerful in the early 15th century and established relationships with the Ming in politics, military affairs, economy and other areas so that a special pattern of relations had been formed among the nationalities in the northwest. After a thirty odd years fight over Hami, the stronghold on the Silk Road was seized by Wala together with Sha, Handong and Chijin run laboriously by the Ming Dynasty long before that. It should be pointed out that political and economic relations...
Wala (or West Mongol) became powerful in the early 15th century and established relationships with the Ming in politics, military affairs, economy and other areas so that a special pattern of relations had been formed among the nationalities in the northwest. After a thirty odd years fight over Hami, the stronghold on the Silk Road was seized by Wala together with Sha, Handong and Chijin run laboriously by the Ming Dynasty long before that. It should be pointed out that political and economic relations were not blocked by those military affairs. The Wala captains still accepted grants and donations from and paid tributes to the Dynasty. And the folk trade between the Han and the Mongolian were more frequent.
As an early form of social and political development, aristocracy no longer had any conditions for its existence in the later part of feudal China When bureaucracy had become the main polity. After the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang attempted to reestablish aristocracy by imitating the mon-archic practice in the Han and Tang Dynasties──bestowing Tiequan to officials of meritorious deeds.But such a conservative political ideal couldn' t be realized, because aristocracy was a destructive factor...
As an early form of social and political development, aristocracy no longer had any conditions for its existence in the later part of feudal China When bureaucracy had become the main polity. After the foundation of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang attempted to reestablish aristocracy by imitating the mon-archic practice in the Han and Tang Dynasties──bestowing Tiequan to officials of meritorious deeds.But such a conservative political ideal couldn' t be realized, because aristocracy was a destructive factor to the political and economic formations of the Ming Dynasty.
A peculiar political and economic relation had been maintained between the Northern Song and the Western Xia Dynasties through their exchange of tributing and granting. Those official exchange had served as a bridge between Kaifeng and Xingqing (Their Capitals respectively). Through learning from the other's strong points to offset their own weaknesses, the Xia Culture had progressed much and the Song Culture bad been spreaded widely. Yet Kaifeng had played the main role in their mutual influences.
北宋对外交往活动中,与西夏王朝维持着一种特殊的政治经济关系。双方官方的贡赐 交往,在宋都开封与夏都兴庆之间架起了一座桥梁。两个城市之间相互学习,取长补短,使夏文化 得以长足发展,,同时也使朱文化广为传播。开封、兴庆之间的影响是相互的,而开封对兴庆的影响 则是主要的。
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