发布时间:2018-05-22 11:17
本文选题:历史唯物主义 + 唯心主义 ; 参考:《河南大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:本文的研究是以马克思唯物主义历史观的形成和发展为线索,对马克思和蒲鲁东的主要思想的关系进行分析,得出马克思对蒲鲁东超越的基本思想和基本意义,从而展现出马克思在哲学上、经济学理论上、社会主义理论上超越蒲鲁东的过程。马克思对蒲鲁东的思想经历了从接受到批判,进而在批判中实现对蒲鲁东的超越的历史进程。基于马克思历史唯物主义世界观的形成和发展,系统地探究出马克思和蒲鲁东在哲学、经济学、社会主义理论等多方面的关系变化,并总结出马克思超越蒲鲁东思想的哲学基础、经济学理论、社会目标的差别,呈现整个超越进程对马克思主义理论形成和发展的重要意义。 本文第一部分是对蒲鲁东主要思想及其发展的梳理和分析。将蒲鲁东的思想发展进程分为四个时期:1840年之前、1840年到1846年期间、1846年《贫困的哲学》时期、1848年革命中及革命后,着重总结和概述蒲鲁东的思想在四个时期内思想发展的进程。1840年以前,蒲鲁东所具有的农民和小手工业者双重出身,蒲鲁东在宗教学校求学的这段经历,以及在里昂工人中获得的有关社会问题的经验对他的社会主义立场和哲学思想形成具有一定影响,这一时期蒲鲁东在著作《论通用文法》和《报考信—致贝桑松大学的先生们》中展现出了神学思维和唯心主义思想,并且提出了创立新的哲学体系的构想。1840年到1846年期间,蒲鲁东从法权角度对资本主义的所有权和私有制进行了勇敢的批判,首次将对资本主义的批判带到了私有制的视域中来,并提出了“第三种社会形式”的社会主义思想,在此期间蒲鲁东的思想对马克思产生了深刻影响。在《贫困的哲学》的创作和发表时期,蒲鲁东在哲学上接受了黑格尔唯心主义,并庸俗化了黑格尔的辩证法,在这一“新哲学”的基础上建立了经济理论体系,即“经济矛盾体系”。《贫困的哲学》的发表及其传播带来的不良影响加速了马克思历史唯物主义公开问世,更加坚定了马克思将唯物史观运用到具体科学领域(经济学)的发展道路。1848年大革命及其之后,蒲鲁东在唯心主义哲学和“经济矛盾体系”的基础上对资本主义进行批判,提出了一系列小资产阶级改良计划,企图通过经济手段来解决资本主义的社会问题,这一系列计划包括:无息信贷、人民银行、社会清算等等,这凸显出他的社会主义理论并未超越空想。通过对蒲鲁东主要思想发展进程的整体剖析,全面展现蒲鲁东思想的哲学基础、经济理论、社会主义等,以及这些思想基础上蒲鲁东批判资本主义的方式变化。尽管蒲鲁东和马克思在思想上存在殊异,但是在蒲鲁东的思想发展过程以及对资本主义批判方式的演变过程中,蒲鲁东的思想对马克思主义唯物史观的形成和发展产生了重要影响,因此蒲鲁东的思想演进过程是不容忽视的。 第二部分是基于第一部分对蒲鲁东主要思想的梳理,立足文本,剖析从马克思主义唯物史观的形成到大革命时期马克思唯物史观的发展,阐述马克思唯物主义历史观形成的基础,马克思对蒲鲁东的思想从接受到批判以及在批判中不断深化的过程。青年时期的马克思,在特里尔受到了良好的文化环境影响以及自由主义思想的熏陶,对马克思早期思想的形成奠定了良好的基础。大学时期,马克思在对哲学的研究中经历了康德、费希特逐渐走向了黑格尔,虽然此时马克思还是青年黑格尔派,但是马克思提出建立新的哲学体系的构想,并在《博士论文》中表现出不局限于接受黑格尔的哲学体系,而是始终用求真的科学精神去进行自己的哲学研究,试图冲破黑格尔哲学进行哲学变革。在马克思把蒲鲁东作为社会主义者接受时期,马克思通过在《莱茵报》工作期间对社会问题的关注认识到在哲学领域对反动势力进行攻击和批判是不够的,应进入政治领域对国家制度进行攻击,在对当时各种流行的社会主义思想研习后,认为不能对各种社会主义思想武断地进行评论。随后,马克思汲取费尔巴哈的唯物主义观点,批判了黑格尔国家和市民社会问题上的唯心主义观点。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中马克思不仅对政治经济学的结构和内容进行了独立的研究,还基于异化劳动理论对蒲鲁东的小资产阶级政治经济学和社会主义思想进行了评价,指出蒲鲁东对资本主义的批判没有超出资本主义政治经济范围,只是异化范围内来克服政治经济的异化。《哲学的贫困》是马克思历史唯物主义的第一次公开,马克思从唯物史观出发,在哲学上对蒲鲁东的唯心史观和系列辩证法进行了批判考察,并对蒲鲁东政治经济学的基本原理经济范畴理论和构成价值理论进行了较为深刻的批判,揭露了蒲鲁东关于社会主义的理论是小资产阶级改良思想。大革命前后,马克思在《路易·波拿巴雾月十八日》、《1848年至1850年的法兰西阶级斗争》中分析了蒲鲁东所代表的“小资产阶级”和“空论”的社会主义,批判了这种空论的社会主义,在《反思》中通过对古典政治经济学理论的探究,揭示了蒲鲁东反对革命斗争的本质,指出蒲鲁东倡导的工业制度和人民银行计划只是采取和平改良主义的空想。 第三部分论述了在建立科学的政治经济学理论体系过程中,马克思对蒲鲁东政治经济学理论的批判。在这长达四十年的历史过程中,马克思在《1857-1858经济学手稿》中经济学理论逐渐成熟,从唯物史观出发,对资本主义的批判已经由异化劳动理论转变到对资本主义雇佣劳动生产方式的本质和运动的把握,系统的阐述了劳动价值理论和剩余价值理论,同时,批判了蒲鲁东的经济关系起源学说、劳动货币理论、生产过剩的观点等。《1861-1863经济学手稿》和《资本论》中,马克思的经济理论已经成熟,马克思对蒲鲁东的政治经济学进行了彻底的清算。马克思指出对蒲鲁东关于贷方货币的谬论泯灭了生息资本作为资产阶级社会一般资本运动的特殊形式的本质。在土地所有权和地租学说问题上,蒲鲁东直接接受了李嘉图的起源理论,完全忽视了不同历史时期所有权所具有的特殊性。对于蒲鲁东所提出的无息信贷理论和工人不能买回自己所生产的产品的经济怪论,马克思指出蒲鲁东不理解剩余价值的来源,更陷入了资本拜物教的假象,完全忽略生息资本运动的G-G’中的中介过程G-W-G’。蒲鲁东在《贫困的哲学》中提出任何劳动必有剩余的定理,马克思在剩余价值理论的形成过程指出蒲鲁东的这个观点是用庸俗经验主义的方法揭示劳动剩余的产生,将劳动剩余的产生归因于人类劳动的属性。 第四章是从整体性上对马克思和蒲鲁东的关系的演变过程进行分析,阐述马克思在哲学、经济学、社会主义三个方面超越蒲鲁东的思想进程。分析马克思对蒲鲁东的哲学上的形而上学、庸俗政治经学和小资产阶级改良思想的批判和超越。通过比较分析马克思和蒲鲁东解决社会问题的不同思想和道路,揭示蒲鲁东对马克思的思想的影响,最终全面展现马克思超越蒲鲁东的思想进程。
[Abstract]:The study of this article is based on the formation and development of Marx's materialist view of history and the analysis of the relationship between Marx and the main thoughts of Pu Lu Dong, and the basic thought and basic significance of Marx's Transcendence to the Pu Lu Dong, thus showing that Marx is in the philosophical, economic theory and socialist theory beyond the Pu East. The process. Marx has experienced the historical process of transcendence to the Pu Lu Dong from his acceptance to criticism, and then in his criticism. Based on the formation and development of Marx's historical materialism world outlook, it systematically explores the relationship between Marx and the Pu Lu Dong in philosophy, economics, and the theory of socialism. The philosophical foundation of Marx's Transcendence of the thoughts of the Pu Lu Dong, the theory of economics and the difference of social goals show the significance of the whole transcendental process to the formation and development of the theory of Marx.
The first part of this article is the carding and analysis of the main ideas and development of the Pu Lu Dong. It divides the development process of his thought into four periods: before 1840, from 1840 to 1846, in 1846, in the period of poverty, in the 1848 revolution and after the revolution, the development of the thoughts of the Pu Lu Dong in the four periods. The process of.1840 years ago, the dual origin of the farmer and the small handicraftsmen in the Pu Lu East, the experience of his study in the religious school, and the experience gained in the Lyon workers had a certain influence on the formation of his socialist position and philosophy. The ideas of Theology and idealism were displayed in the law and the letters to the Besancon University, and the idea of creating a new philosophical system was put forward from.1840 to 1846. In the period of 1846, he made a brave critique of capitalist ownership and private ownership from the perspective of legal power, and for the first time the critique of capitalism. In the view of private ownership, the socialist thought of "third social forms" was put forward. During this period, the thought of Marx had a profound influence on the ideology of Marx. In the period of creation and publication of the philosophy of poverty, he accepted the idealism of Hagel's idealism in philosophy, and was common to Hagel's dialectics. On the basis of the "new philosophy", the economic theory system has been established, that is, "the system of economic contradiction". The adverse effects brought by the publication and dissemination of the philosophy of poverty accelerated the publication of Marx's historical materialism, and made it more firm that Marx applied the materialist conception of history to the development of the specific scientific field (Economics) in the great revolution of.1848. After his life, he criticized capitalism on the basis of idealist philosophy and "the system of economic contradiction", and put forward a series of small bourgeois improvement plans, trying to solve the social problems of capitalism through economic means. This series of plans included interest free credit, the people's Bank, social liquidation, and so on. It shows that his socialist theory does not transcend the imagination. Through the overall analysis of the development process of the main ideological development of the Pu Lu Dong, the philosophical basis of the thoughts of the Pu Lu Dong, the economic theory, the socialism and so on, and on the basis of these thoughts, the ways of the critique of capitalism are changed. But in the process of ideological development and the evolution of the critical mode of capitalism, the thought of Marx had an important influence on the formation and development of the historical materialism of Marx doctrine, so the process of the evolution of his thought could not be ignored.
The second part is based on the first part of the main ideas of the carondong, based on the text, analysis from the formation of Marx's historical materialism to the development of Marx's historical materialism in the period of the great revolution, and the basis for the formation of Marx's materialist view of history, and Marx's thoughts from acceptance to criticism and criticism in his criticism. The process of deepening. Marx in the youth period, in Trier, was influenced by a good cultural environment and the edification of liberalism, which laid a good foundation for the formation of Marx's early thought. During the University, Marx experienced Kant in the study of philosophy, Fichte gradually moved towards Hagel, although Marx at this time. It is still the young Hagel school, but Marx puts forward the idea of establishing a new philosophical system, and shows not only to accept Hagel's philosophical system in the doctoral thesis, but always to carry out his philosophical research with the scientific spirit of seeking truth, trying to break through the philosophical reform of the study of black and sager. In Marx, he takes the por East as an example. During the period of socialist acceptance, Marx realized that it was not enough to attack and criticize the reactionary forces in the field of philosophy by paying attention to social problems during the period of the work of the Rhine newspaper. We should enter the political field to attack the state system. After studying various popular socialistic ideas at that time, it was considered that it could not be used for various societies. Then, Marx absorbed Feuerbach's materialist viewpoint and criticized the idealism of Hagel's state and civil society. In the <1844 Economic Philosophy Manuscript, Marx not only studied the structure and content of political economics, but also based on the alienated labor theory. The petty bourgeois political economy and socialist thought of the pluton were evaluated. It was pointed out that the critique of pluton's criticism of capitalism did not exceed the political and economic scope of capitalism. It was only within the range of alienation to overcome the alienation of political and economic. "The poverty of philosophy" was the first public of Marx's historical materialism, and Marx was from the only one. On the basis of the view of the history of things, a critical review of the idealism and a series of dialectics is carried out in the philosophy of the pluton, and the theory of the basic principles of economic category and the theory of the value of the constitution of the plutdong's political economy are deeply criticized, and the theory of the socialist theory of the pluton is a modified thought of the petty bourgeoisie. After that, Marx criticized the socialism of "the petty bourgeoisie" and "the empty theory", which was criticized by Marx in the eighteen days of Louis Bonaparte's fog month and the French class struggle from 1850 to 1850. As for the essence of revolutionary struggle, it is pointed out that the industrial system advocated by Pall and the people's Bank plan are only a dream of peaceful reformism.
The third part discusses Marx's criticism of the pluton political economy theory in the process of establishing the theoretical system of scientific political economics. In the course of this forty year history, Marx has matured in the economic theory of <1857-1858 economics. From the materialist view of history, the criticism of capitalism has been dissimilated. The labor theory is changed to the essence and movement of the capitalist mode of labor production. The theory of labor value and the theory of surplus value are expounded systematically. At the same time, the theory of the origin of economic relations, the theory of labor currency, the view of overproduction, etc. are criticized. In the 1861-1863 economic manuscript and Das Kapital, Marx The economic theory has matured, and Marx has carried out a thorough liquidation of the political economics of the pluton. Marx points out that the fallacy of the lenders' money has vanished the essence of the special form of the general capital movement of the bourgeois society. Ricardo's theory of origin completely ignores the particularity of ownership in different historical periods. For the theory of interest free credit and the economic paradox that the workers can't buy the products they produce, Marx points out that he does not understand the source of the surplus value, and it has fallen into the illusion of capital fetishism, and completely ignores it. The intermediary process in the G-G 'of the movement of interest capital is G-W-G'. In the "philosophy of poverty", he put forward that any labor must have the remaining theorem. Marx's theory of surplus value points out that this view of the surplus value theory reveals the production of labor surplus by means of vulgar empiricism, and the production of surplus labor is attributable to human beings. The attribute of class labor.
The fourth chapter analyzes the evolution process of the relationship between Marx and Pu Lu from the whole, and expounds Marx's Transcendence of the ideological process in the three aspects of philosophy, economics and socialism, and analyzes Marx's criticism and Transcendence of the philosophical metaphysics, the vulgar political classics and the amelioration of the petty bourgeoisie. By comparing and analyzing the different thoughts and ways of Marx and Pu Lu Dong to solve the social problems, this paper reveals the influence of Marx's Thoughts on Marx, and finally reveals the ideological progress of Marx surpassing the Pu Lu Dong.
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