发布时间:2018-05-27 17:17
本文选题:转型 + 改革 ; 参考:《财政部财政科学研究所》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:政策性金融是一国金融体系的重要组成部分。自1994年成立,中国三大政策性银行至今已有20年整的发展历程,承担了增强宏观调控、加快基础设施建设、优化外贸结构、促进本国产品和技术出口、助推企业“走出去”、推动区域协调发展等多项重任,推动实现了国家发展战略目标等多重使命,做出了重要的历史性贡献。与此同时,当前我国政策性金融机构在发展中也存在法律规范缺位、功能定位不明晰、业务范围不甚清晰、治理架构和监管机制不健全、资本金不足等一系列问题,制约着其进一步健康、可持续发展。 2007年,中央金融工作会议就提出要按照“分类指导,一行一策”的改革原则,逐步推进政策性金融机构改革。2009年11月,国务院初步批复了中国进出口银行改革方案,明确中国进出口银行继续履行政策性金融的职能,为本国产品出口和国家对外经济合作提供金融支持。但由于多方面原因,实质性改革推进迟缓。党的十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干问题的决定》第12条明确提出要“推进政策性金融机构改革”,标志着在全面深化改革的新时期,我国政策性金融机构面临的改革与转型发展更为迫切。 在这样的背景下,本人基于多年来从事政策性金融信贷的实际工作经历和感受,并结合博士研究生期间的系统理论学习,选择了“中国官方出口信用及其机构转型发展”为题进行博士论文研究,以期从理论和国际比较角度来正本清源地阐述政策性金融中官方出口信用对一国经济发展的战略意义与重要功能作用,着重提出对当前中国而言,官方出口信用是助推实现“中国梦”不可或缺的重要机制性支撑,并从实务角度研究提出中国进出口银行转型发展的目标定位、业务范围、经营管理模式以及规范治理和健全监管等方面的若干建议。 本论文主要分三大模块来论述: 第一模块(论文第一章和第二章)是关于政策性金融的理论分析和相关观点辨析。 对于政策性金融的改革和发展问题,一个时期以来,存在着两派观点:一种观点(多数学者持这种观点)认为基于我国的发展阶段和客观国情,中国政策性金融及其机构比世界上任何其他国家都更具有客观性、必然性和长期性,具有不可替代的历史重任和巨大的发展空间,应强化而非弱化;另一种观点则强调政策性金融存在着道德风险严重、不按市场规则评审贷款项目、对市场融资产生挤出效应等问题,主张应“去政策化”。针对这些讨论和争议,本论文分层次阐述了观点。 首先,从理论层面来看,金融资源配置领域存在的市场失灵、准公共产品、信息不对称理论以及金融约束理论等为政策性金融的存在提供了理论解释。政策性金融是联接政府与市场两个领域、财政预算拨款与商业性金融信贷两种机制的资源配置方式和制度安排,是市场性与公共(产品)性、财政性与金融性、微观性与宏观性、有偿性与无偿性、直接管理与间接管理、市场缺陷与政府干预的“巧妙”结合体与统一体。政策性金融体现了经济社会发展客观需要的政府与市场的互补与融合,符合整个经济思想发展演进方向,其产生和发展具有历史的必然性,理论也得到了现实的印证。 其次,从国际上看,政策性金融业务是长期存在的,即使是发达市场经济国家也存在强大且多样化的政策性金融服务。无论是号称最信奉不干预原则的美国,还是老牌的资本主义国家的英国、德国,抑或是战后出现过经济奇迹的日本、韩国,都存在着财政透明并有着非常清晰的长效介入机制的政策性金融机构,它们广泛地对本国中小企业、农业发展、进出口贸易给予融资支持和特殊扶助。 再次,从我国现实国情需要来看,针对正在采取赶超型经济发展战略、追求实现“中国梦”的我国当前发展阶段来说,通过发展政策性金融以适当集中有限资金来重点支持制约经济社会发展、亟需加快建设的“短板”领域和“瓶颈”项目,如公益性和准公益性基础设施建设、战略性新兴产业、中小企业与“三农”发展、“走出去”等,以弥补金融资源市场化配置机制的不足,填充财政直接支出和商业融资之间的“中间地带”,追求政府财力依托机制转换,实现效率提升的倍加效应,无疑具有重要的现实意义,也应是我国在发展和完善政策性金融体系方面应牢牢把握的战略性着眼点。本文研究认为,政策性金融能够将政策性、优惠性和有偿性、市场化有机结合起来,在当前和今后很长一个时期,政策性金融将在国家经济和社会发展战略、促进经济增长、实现对外经贸发展战略和政治外交意图、从整体上提高我国国际竞争力等方面发挥重要作用。因此,在我国,政策性金融不是可有可无的,其战略地位和作用是不可或缺、不可替代的。 第二模块(论文第三、四章),主要论述官方出口信用及机构的战略意义、功能作用以及国际比较和借鉴。 从国际规则角度来看,官方出口信用是WTO和OECD框架下唯一认可和允许的合法手段,是政府可以灵活运用的重要政策工具。近年来世界经济形势发生了重大变化,各国对国际市场和海外资源的争夺日益激烈,各国官方出口信用机构的功能和作用都趋于加强,在各国经济和外交战略中扮演着越来越重要的角色。世界上70多个国家共建立有80多家官方出口信用机构,本文在考察美国、英国、德国、日本、韩国等国的官方出口信用机构及其运行的基础上,发现各国在各自发展过程中,不仅没有弱化官方出口信用的作用,反而是在不断强化其职能并赋予其新的工作和业务。 中国作为世界第二大经济体,是世界120多个国家的第一大贸易伙伴,参与国际竞争和合作的程度将愈来愈深,进一步发展对外部环境和条件的依赖程度将越来越高。然而,当前我国仍处于国际分工和产业链的中低端,需要在参与国际竞争中提升贸易层次和发展水平,需要加大产品和资本输出,同时也需要从国际市场上获得更多发展资源,需要大力实施“走出去”发展战略。当前的外部环境,既有机遇,也有挑战,中国进一步加快发展需要深度参与并融入到国际经济体系中。官方出口信用及其机构作为中国参与国际竞争和国际经济合作的重要制度安排和政策工具,具有不可替代的重要作用和不可比拟的运作优势,因此其使命不但不应减弱,而是需要进一步发挥好更大、更积极、更为重要的作用。当然,发挥作用的方式需不断调整优化,以适应不断变化的国际经济竞争和合作新形势和新格局。 第三模块(第五、六、七、八、九章),研究提出中国进出口银行改革和转型发展的基本方向和相关政策建议。 中国进出口银行作为我国的官方进出口信用机构之一,自建行以来,认真履行国家赋予的职责,始终从国家政治经济大局出发,积极发挥了政策性融资渠道作用,为服务服务国家外交总体战略、推动国内经济转型发展、促进对外开放和加强国际经济合作做出了重要贡献。特别是在与安哥拉等非洲国家合作中开创的“资金信贷-基础设施项目-能源资源”的创新模式,实现了出口信贷和国家能源战略的有机结合,为我国建立了新的稳定的能源资源供应渠道,成效显著,意义重大。 当然,也应该看到,中国进出口银行在发展中面临着一些亟待解决的突出问题:一是缺乏专门的立法规范;二是《章程》滞后于新的形势发展需要;三是资本充足率严重偏低,目前不到1%;四是融资成本较高,资金补充渠道较少且数量不稳定,客观上降低了支持能力和抗风险能力;五是政策性业务亏损缺乏规范、稳定的风险补偿机制,降低了机构自身抵御风险的能力;六是风险管控和监管机制还不够完善。 基于此,本论文开宗明义地提出,我国官方出口信用机构改革和转型发展的功能定位应该是:在国际竞争中积极打造成为实现“中国梦”的机制性支撑,助推中国在新的时代条件下,实现国际经济合作的升级版。这是因为:首先,“中国梦”的追求和“两个百年”奋斗目标实质上是带有“赶超”意义的国家发展战略,必然要求超越一般市场经济理论的机制支撑,作为政策性金融体系重要组成部分的官方出口信用是不可或缺的重要机制和政策手段,可以发挥守正出奇的战略性功能作用。其次,当前我国开放型经济已站在新的历史起点,与此同时国内发展面临的能源、资源、环境约束趋紧,进一步发展离不开深度参与到国际竞争与合作中,国家与国家之间的竞争和合作,不能仅依赖于一般市场主体,还必须要有专门机构来体现和执行国家战略和国家意志,在这种背景下,我国官方出口信用机构的职能和作用应进一步强化、丰富和扩展,要全力打造成为“国家意志明显、政策定位明晰、业务种类齐全、服务功能完善、运行机制规范、风险控制有效”的国际经济合作银行。 为了更好地发挥中国进出口银行作为官方出口信用机构的功能和作用,需要积极推进改革、拓展业务、规范管理和加强监管: 一是明确转型发展的目标。论文研究提出,中国进出口银行改革与转型发展的主要目标应适应我国开放型经济发展的需要,以服务于我国实施“走出去”战略为重点,按照“政策性目标、市场化运作、专业化经营”总体原则,转型为国际经济合作银行,将进出口银行办成既有中国特色又符合国际规范的官方出口信用机构,为我国外向型经济发展和更好地参与国际经济合作提供全方位、综合性金融服务,以充分利用国内外两个市场、境内外两种资源,增强企业参与国际竞争的能力,优化资源配置,拓展我国发展空间。 二是实施业务领域纵深开拓战略。与“国际经济合作银行”的目标定位相适应,就必须纵深拓展中国进出口银行的业务领域,在突出以支持“走出去”为重点和基本方向的基础上,紧密结合当前全球经济一体化和国际经济合作全方位发展的客观情况,在支持国际经济合作的深度和广度上下大力气开展创新,在支持领域和支持手段上勇于尝试。 三是完善进出口银行资本金补充机制和资金来源机制。在资本金补充方面,一是建立国家财政预算追加注资机制;二是考虑由管理国家主权财富基金的中国投资公司向政策性银行注入资本金;此外,还可以考虑通过减免政策性银行税金来增补资本金。在完善资本金制度基础上,应建立资本、资产负债及风险拨备约束机制。在完善资金来源方面,建议通过财政借款、境外筹资、资产证券化、创新债券品种,搭建与外汇储备资金间沟通桥梁,加强与社保基金等大规模国有资金管理者的长期合作等方式,拓宽资金来源渠道,建立稳定、低成本、可持续的资金来源机制。 四是进一步完善业务经营管理。总的指导思想是“分账户经营,分类核算,分类管理”。首先,坚持政策性金融发展方向,明晰政策性业务边界;其次,将业务分为政策性业务和自营性业务,与此相适应设立“国家账户”和“银行账户”,分别核算,在两个账户之间设置防火墙,以有效防范道德风险。对两类业务实行不同的风险补偿机制,属于“国家账户”的业务由财政补贴亏损,属于“银行账户”的业务则自负盈亏,建立不同的监督管理和评价考核办法,自营性业务盈利经批准后可用于补贴政策性业务,但自营性业务的亏损不能由财政弥补。此外,不同政策性金融机构之间应加强协调配合,在开展境外合作项目中不作为单个主体相互竞争,以避免损害国家整体利益。 五是完善官方进出口信用机构立法和法律监管。首先,加快专门性立法规范,对中国进出口银行的性质、宗旨、职能定位、业务范围、治理、监管等以法律形式予以明确,为中国进出口银行依法经营、稳健发展提供法律保障,以从根本上解决制约发展的深层次矛盾。其次,要抓紧修订完善现有的《中国进出口银行章程》,及时动态调整中国进出口银行的业务范围,进一步规范治理结构,完善机构设置,明确内部控制和外部监督机制。 六是建立健全规范的法人治理结构。按照现代企业制度要求,建立符合政策性银行特征的法人治理结构和严明的内部权责制度,形成有效的约束机制和良好的内部风险防范机制,完善治理结构,加强基础管理和制度建设。将董事会定位为部际协调和重大政策决策机构,体现国家发展战略意图,着重对中国进出口银行重大发展战略、发展规划以及业务范围等原则性问题做出决策。
[Abstract]:Policy finance is an important part of a country's financial system. Since its establishment in 1994, the three major policy banks in China have been developing for 20 years. They have undertaken to strengthen macro regulation, accelerate infrastructure construction, optimize foreign trade structure, promote the export of domestic products and technology, boost enterprises "going out", and promote regional coordinated development, etc. At the same time, in the development of China's policy oriented financial institutions, there is also a lack of legal norms, unclear functional orientation, unclear business scope, unsound governance structure and regulatory mechanism and insufficient capital. The problem restricts its further health and sustainable development.
In 2007, the central financial working conference put forward the reform principle of "classified guidance, one line and one policy", and gradually promoted the reform of policy based financial institutions in November. The State Council initially approved the reform program of China's import and export bank, and made clear that China's import and Export Bank continued to perform the function of administrative policy finance for the export of domestic products and country. Home economic cooperation provides financial support. However, due to many reasons, substantive reform has been slow. The party's the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee decision of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the comprehensive deepening of the reform of a number of issues clearly proposed to "push forward the reform of policy based financial institutions", which marks the new period in the comprehensive deepening of the reform. The reform and transformation of China's policy oriented financial institutions are more urgent.
Under this background, based on the practical experience and experience of the policy based financial credit for many years, and combining with the system theory study during the doctor's postgraduate school, I chose the doctoral thesis research on "China's official export credit and its institutional transformation and development", with a view to from the perspective of theory and international comparison. This paper expounds the strategic significance and important function of official export credit in policy finance to the economic development of a country, and emphasizes that the official export credit is an indispensable and important support to the realization of the "Chinese dream" for the current China, and the objective of the transformation of the Chinese import and Export Bank from the practical point of view is studied. Some suggestions on location, scope of business, operation and management mode, standardized management and sound supervision are put forward.
This paper is mainly divided into three main modules to discuss:
The first module (the first and second chapters of the paper) is about theoretical analysis and related viewpoints of policy finance.
For a period of time, there are two schools of view on the reform and development of policy based finance. A view (most scholars hold this view) that China's policy finance and its institutions are more objectivity, inevitability and long-term than any other country in the world based on the development stage and the objective conditions of our country. The replacement of the historical task and the huge development space should be strengthened rather than weakening. The other point of view emphasizes that there is a serious moral hazard in the policy based finance, that the loan projects are not evaluated according to the market rules, and the extrude effect on the market financing should be put forward. A point of view.
First, from the theoretical point of view, the market failure in the field of financial resources allocation, quasi public products, information asymmetry theory and financial constraints theory provide a theoretical explanation for the existence of policy finance. Policy finance is the two fields linking the government and the market, the financial budget allocations and commercial financial credit of two mechanisms. The way of resource allocation and system arrangement are market and public (product), fiscal and financial, micro and macro, compensable and unpaid, direct management and indirect management, "ingenious" combination and unity of market defects and government intervention. Policy integration embodies the objective needs of the government and the market for economic and social development. Complementarity and integration are in line with the development direction of the whole economic thought. Its emergence and development are historically inevitable, and theories have also been verified in reality.
Secondly, from the international point of view, the policy financial business is a long-term existence, and even the developed market economy countries have strong and diversified policy financial services. Whether the United States is the most believed in the principle of non intervention, the British of the old capitalist countries, Germany, or the post-war economic miracle, Japan, Korea There are policy financial institutions with clear financial transparency and a very clear and long-term intervention mechanism. They are widely used to support and help small and medium-sized enterprises, agricultural development, import and export trade in their country.
Thirdly, in view of the needs of our country's actual conditions, in view of the current development stage of our country, which is taking the surpassing economic development strategy and pursuing the "Chinese dream", it is necessary to focus on the restriction of the development of the economy and society through the development of the policy oriented Finance and the proper concentration of limited funds. The "short board" field and the "bottleneck" need to be accelerated. For example, public welfare and quasi public welfare infrastructure, strategic emerging industries, small and medium enterprises and "three rural" development, "go global", etc., make up for the shortage of market allocation mechanism of financial resources, fill the "middle zone" between financial direct expenditure and commercial financing, pursue government financial resources to rely on mechanism conversion and achieve efficiency promotion. The multiplier effect is undoubtedly of great practical significance and should also be the strategic point of view that China should firmly grasp in the development and improvement of the policy based financial system. This paper argues that policy finance can combine policy, preferential and compensable and marketable, and a policy gold in a long period of time and in the future. It will play an important role in the national economic and social development strategy, the promotion of economic growth, the realization of the strategy of foreign economic and trade development and the political and diplomatic intentions, and the overall improvement of our country's international competitiveness. Therefore, in our country, policy finance is not dispensable, and its strategic position and role are indispensable and irreplaceable.
The second module (Chapter third, fourth) mainly discusses the strategic significance, function and international comparison and reference of official export credit and agencies.
From the point of view of international rules, official export credit is the only legal means approved and allowed under the framework of WTO and OECD. It is an important policy tool that the government can use flexibly. In recent years, the world economic situation has changed greatly. The competition for international market and overseas resources is increasingly fierce, the official export of credit institutions in various countries It is becoming more and more important and plays an increasingly important role in the economic and diplomatic strategies of all countries. More than 70 countries have established more than 80 official export credit institutions in the world. On the basis of the investigation of the official export credit mechanism of the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan and Korea, this paper finds that each country has developed in its own development. In the process, not only does not weaken the role of official export credit, it is constantly strengthening its functions and giving it new jobs and businesses.
As the second largest economy in the world, China is the largest trading partner in the world's more than 120 countries, and the degree of participation in international competition and cooperation will become more and more deep. Further development is becoming more and more dependent on the external environment and conditions. However, China is still at the middle and low end of international division and industrial chain, and needs to be involved in international competition. In order to improve the level of trade and development, we need to increase the output of products and capital. At the same time, we need to get more resources from the international market. We need to implement the strategy of "going out". The current external environment has both opportunities and challenges, and the further development of China needs to be deeply involved in and integrate into the international economy. As an important institutional arrangement and policy tool for China's participation in international competition and international economic cooperation, the official export credit and its institutions have an irreplaceable and unparalleled operational advantage. Therefore, their mission not only should not be weakened, but also need to be further expanded, more active and more important. The way to play the role needs to be constantly adjusted and optimized to adapt to the changing international economic competition and cooperation in the new situation and new pattern.
The third module (fifth, sixth, seven, eight, nine chapters) puts forward the basic direction and relevant policy recommendations of the reform and transformation development of the Export Import Bank of China.
As one of the official import and export credit institutions of China, China Import and export bank has conscientiously fulfilled the responsibilities given by the state since the establishment of the bank. It has always started from the national political and economic situation, actively exerts the function of the policy financing channel, serves the overall strategy of the national diplomacy to serve the country, promotes the development of the domestic economic transformation, and promotes the opening and addition of the foreign countries. Strong international economic cooperation has made important contributions. In particular, the innovative model of "capital credit - infrastructure projects - energy resources", created in cooperation with African countries such as Angola, has realized the organic combination of export credit and national energy strategy, and established a new and stable supply channel for energy resources for China, which has achieved remarkable results. Meaning is great.
Of course, it should also be seen that in the development of China's import and export banks, there are some outstanding problems to be solved: one is the lack of special legislative norms; two, the constitution is lagging behind the needs of the new situation; the three is that the capital adequacy ratio is seriously low, now less than 1%; four is the higher cost of financing, less replenishment channels and less quantity. Stability, objectively reducing the ability to support and anti risk ability; five is the lack of normative business loss policy, a stable risk compensation mechanism, reduce the ability of the organization itself against risk, the six is the risk management and regulatory mechanism is not perfect.
Based on this, this paper puts forward that the function orientation of the reform and transformation of the official export credit institutions in China should be to build up the institutional support for the realization of the "Chinese dream" in the international competition and boost China's upgrading of the international economic cooperation under the new era. The pursuit of the national dream and the goal of the "two century" struggle are essentially the national development strategy with the meaning of "catching up". It is bound to require the support of the mechanism that transcends the general market economy theory. As an important part of the policy based financial system, official export credit is an indispensable and important mechanism and policy means. At the same time, China's open economy has stood at a new historical starting point. At the same time, the energy, resources and environmental constraints facing domestic development are tight, and further development is inseparable from the deep participation in international competition and cooperation. The competition and cooperation between the state and the state can not be relied on only by the general market subject. In this context, the functions and functions of the official export credit institutions in China should be further strengthened, enriched and expanded in this context, and should be made fully into "the clear state of the state, the clear positioning of the policy, the complete variety of business affairs, the perfect service function, the standard of operating mechanism, and the standard of operation." International Economic Cooperation Bank, which is effective in risk control.
In order to give full play to the function and function of the Chinese import and export bank as an official export credit institution, it is necessary to actively promote reform, expand business, standardize management and strengthen supervision.
The first is to make clear the goal of transformation and development. The paper studies that the main objectives of the reform and transformation of China's import and export banks should be adapted to the needs of the development of China's open economy, focusing on the implementation of the "going out" strategy in our country and the general principle of "policy oriented, market-oriented operation, professional management" and the transition to international The Bank of economic cooperation provides the import and export bank as an official export credit institution with both Chinese characteristics and international standards. It provides a comprehensive and comprehensive financial suit for the development of the foreign economy and the better participation in international economic cooperation.
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