在全球化时代,不但各国的政治经济发生了翻天覆地的变化,同时外来文化和本土文化、传统文化和现代文化也出现了激烈的融合和冲突。 本文首先对政治文化的概念进行学理梳理,指出政治文化的概念有三种:广义政治文化说,中义政治文化说和狭义政治文化说。在对比中外政治文化学者不同的研究取向的基础上,提出政治文化的核心概念是一个国家的阶级、民族和其他社会团体,以及这个国家中的成员,在一定的生产方式的基础上,于一定的经济、政治和文化环境中形成的关于国家政治生活的政治心理倾向和政治价值取向的总和。 文章的第二部分首先浅析浅析了当代中国政治文化的特点和内容,指出当代中国政治文化是以马克思主义为主流的社会主义政治文化,其基本要素有爱国主义、民族主义、集体主义和权威主义。受中国传统文化和西方资本主义政治文化的影响,当代中国政治文化的主要缺陷为政治认知水平低、政治知识少和民主参与的能力不足。接着文章指出推动经济全球化的要素有三个:市场经济、跨国公司和网络,它们对中国民众的政治认知,政治态度和政治评价产生了深远的影响。其中市场经济提高了中国民众的自我意识、参与意识和平等意识,推动了制度化信任的产生,它鼓励人们去竞争和创新。随着社会结构的剧烈变化,人们的生活满意度有所下降,直接影响到政府政治合法性的获得。同时随着社会阶层的分化,市民社会逐渐形成,民众的政治参与能力逐渐提高。市场经济在带来新型政治文化的同时,也产生了很多不利的影响,如拜金主义和个人主义:跨国公司降低了民众对民族国家的政治认同感,但其先进的企业组织和管理模式也培养了民众的自主意识和创新意识,网络首先扩大了民众获得政治信息的渠道和内容,转变了政治参与的形式,但网络也降低了国家对政治信息的制约能力,并且容易引起“群体极化”现象。总之,经济全球化推动了中国民众的参与、民主、协商、平等、权利、责任、竞争等政治文化成份的增长,但民众的生活满意度并没有提高,政治合法性和政治认同等不足也随之出现。 在第三部分,文章论述了全球化时代中国政治文化必须走交融互动和继承创新的发展道路,要以开放的心态和前瞻的意识吸收其它政治文化的合理因素和优秀成果。要发展中国的政治文化必须发展市场经济,注重教育,注重民主政治制度的建设和实践,坚持共产党的领导,保持党的文化的先进性,尤其是要注意
【Abstract】 In the globalization era, there are huge changes to the politic and economy of the most countries, also drastic amalgamation and conflict between the external culture and native culture and between the traditional culture and modern culture. At first we analyzing the concept of political culture: there are three kinds of concept, including broad sense, neutral sense and narrow sense. Basing on comparing the difference of the research intend of political culture scholars, we define the core content of political culture is the political psychological trend and political value trend about the state politic that the class, the nation, the social parties and the national citizen have evolved from the economy, politic and culture environment basing on the specific product style.In the second part, we first discuss the character and content of the contemporary Chinese political culture, the core elements are patriotism, nationalism, collectivism and authorism. Affected by the traditional culture and the western political culture, the main shortcomings of the contemporary Chinese political culture are that political cognize is low, political knowledge is not enough, and political participation is low. After that, we define the most important factors of economic globalization are market economy, transnational corporation and internet, which have huge effects to the Chinese politic perceive, political attitude and politic assessment. The first, market economy improve personal perceive, accelerate the institutional trust, and inspire people to compete and to innovate. In the mean time, the self-satisfaction of people is decreasing, so political validity is affected. While the civic society becomes to be, the capability of participation is improving. Also, we must pay attention to the disadvantage of market economy, for example, money worship. Transnational corporations have decreased the political identification to the national state, but the modern corporation structure and management model have improved the personal consciousness of self decision and innovation. Internet extends the contents and accesses of political knowledge, in addition, the internet decrease the capability of the state official to control the political information, and easily cause the extreme group. In all, the economical globalization has accelerated the elements of Chinese political culture, such as the participation 、 democracy 、 consulting 、 equality 、 right 、 responsibility、 competition, but while the life satisfaction is not improved, political legality and political identification problem emerge.
【关键词】 政治文化; 经济全球化; 政治发展;【Key words】 Political culture; economic globalization; political development;
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