[Abstract]:In the context of mass media, the dress symbols in international politics are mainly presented in the form of vision in front of the audience, bearing the dual task of shaping the individual image of the statesman and the image of the country, and becoming an important element of international political communication. Bearing rich political information, it has unique symbolic meaning and cultural transmission effect. The dress symbol in international politics is a dualistic system composed of "signifier" and "signified". The meaning of "signified" is derived from layer upon layer to construct the statesman's personal image and national image. The elements of style, color, material, pattern and accessories constitute the signifier of the dress symbols in international politics, and form a visual effect in the international political situation and in the practice of political communication. The "signified" of the dress symbol in international politics has the function of ideographic meaning. The meaning it refers to is the main component of the overall modeling effect of the statesman and plays an important role in the construction of the statesman's personal image. The dress symbols in international politics construct the personal image of politicians by locating the status of politicians, showing the character of politicians, highlighting the personal taste of politicians and conveying the governing ideas of politicians. The cultural and political information carried by the dress symbols in international politics is an important basis for the public's cognition and evaluation of a country's political, economic, cultural, social and other aspects, as well as an important factor in the construction of a country's image. The dress symbols in international politics construct the national image by showing the characteristics of national culture, conveying the concept of national diplomacy, representing the blend of history and culture, hinting at the national political background, and so on. The dress symbol in international politics also has the distinct cultural transmission effect. Dress is the accumulation of the history and culture development of different countries, showing the cultural tradition of different countries. First of all, in the aspect of ideal and belief, the individual ideal of statesman is highlighted, and the symbol of culture is promoted, the traditional culture is carried forward, and the national complex is awakened. Secondly, in the aspect of fashion and consumption, the agenda setting of mass media molds the political star of fashion and creates the fashion trend; the mass media adds symbolic value to the clothing brand favored by the political star, and then stimulates the consumer market. Drive local brands.
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