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发布时间:2018-09-08 11:46
【摘要】:纵观中国排球发展历程,女排“五连冠”、“铁榔头”郎平、“女排精神”等声音曾经振奋人心,排球事业曾经的辉煌成就了中国人的梦想与骄傲,激励着各行各业的人们。在当今体育强国建设的大背景下,竞技体育事业的发展已进入新阶段,排球作为竞技体育项目的重要组成部分,其发展与进步至关重要。优秀排球运动员是中国排球事业强有力的主力军,担当着至关重要的角色。河南省作为“体育大省”之一,人才济济,在多年的排球事业发展和探索过程中,不断积累经验和教训,为国家队输送了大批优秀的运动员,为排球运动贡献了积极力量。本文通过对河南省优秀排球运动员成才因素进行多角度、深层次的调查分析,总结其成才规律,进而为河南省优秀排球运动员的培养提供参考与借鉴,提高河南省排球项目竞技水平,争取更大的突破,为教练员和体育相关部门在人才培养方面提供理论与现实意义。 本文以运动训练学、社会学、心理学、人才学等相关学科作为本研究的理论基础,采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计等方法对河南省优秀排球运动员的成才因素进行调查分析,进而揭示优秀排球运动员的成才规律。 研究结果显示: 1、河南省优秀排球运动员的成才是有规律可循的,它是各种影响因素最佳组合的综合体现,并且这些因素是相互影响和制约的。影响河南省优秀排球运动员成才的因素具体可以划分为4个一级指标因素和22个二级指标因素,一级指标按其权重值,确定其重要程度依次排序为训练学因素、遗传学因素、心理学因素和社会学因素。其中训练学因素又包含8个二级指标,按权重值依次排序为:科学选材、训练的系统化、科学化、比赛机会与数量、科研对训练的导向作用、教练员业务素质水平、运动员知识结构、运动员技战术水平、运动损伤;遗传学因素按其重要程度排序为:运动员身体素质特征、运动员生理特征、运动员身体形态特征、运动员个性心理特征;心理学因素各子指标按其权重值依次为:训练的动力因素、运动员意志品质、运动员智力水平、运动员道德素养;社会学因素按重要程度包括:社会政治经济发展因素、社会科技发展水平、家庭因素、中国排球整体水平状况、河南省排球培养体制、人际关系因素。 2、河南省优秀排球运动员成才因素是相互影响的、不可或缺的共同作用于运动员自身发展的统一体,始终贯穿于河南省优秀排球运动员成才的全过程。运动员的成才遵循人才成长规律,各种因素在河南省排球训练体制、人才培养体制等大环境下,促进着河南省优秀排球运动员的综合素质逐渐形成、提高、发展、成熟。 3、河南省优秀排球运动员最佳成才年龄规律:(1)整个多年训练过程包括四个阶段:基础阶段、提高阶段、成熟阶段和保持阶段,每个阶段男女运动员在成才时间上存在差异性。(2)根据河南省优秀排球运动员成才的时间特征曲线图可以发现:河南省优秀男、女排运动员进入业余体校的年龄主要集中于12-13岁,进入省青年队的年龄多集中于14-15岁,成年队大多17-18岁,直到最后18-23岁进入国家队。(3)河南省优秀排球运动员在训练年限方面,要经历4-5年的基础训练阶段,3-4年的提高阶段和4-5年的成熟阶段,,总而言之,培养一名优秀的排球运动员要经历10-12年的训练历程。 4、河南省优秀排球运动员先天素质形成规律——良好的身体、生理素质是运动员成才的保障,以遗传因素为基础的良好选材是运动员成才的一半。 5、河南省优秀排球运动员内因驱动规律——正确积极的训练动机与态度是成才的基础与前提,它是河南省优秀排球运动员成才的动力源泉。 6、河南省优秀排球运动员内外因素相互作用规律——社会政治经济的发展和家庭的重视支持为成才创造便利的外部条件,它是河南省优秀排球运动员成才的强大后盾。
[Abstract]:Throughout the development of Chinese volleyball, the voices of "five consecutive championships", "iron hammer" Lang Ping and "women's volleyball spirit" have inspired people's hearts. The brilliant achievements of volleyball cause have made Chinese people dream and pride, and inspired people from all walks of life. As an important part of competitive sports, the development and progress of volleyball is very important. Excellent volleyball players are the main force of China's volleyball cause and play a vital role. Experience and lessons, for the national team has conveyed a large number of outstanding athletes, volleyball has contributed to the positive force. This article through the Henan Province outstanding volleyball players to become a talent factor from multiple angles, in-depth investigation and analysis, summed up the law of their talent, and then for the Henan Province outstanding volleyball players to provide reference and improve the river. In order to provide theoretical and practical significance for coaches and sports related departments in personnel training, we should strive for greater breakthroughs in the competitive level of volleyball events in Southern Province.
In this paper, sports training, sociology, psychology, talent and other related disciplines as the theoretical basis of this study, the use of literature, logical analysis, interviews, questionnaires, mathematical statistics and other methods of Henan Province outstanding volleyball players to investigate and analyze the factors of success, and then reveal the talent of outstanding volleyball players rules. Law.
The results showed that:
1. The success of excellent volleyball players in Henan Province is regular, it is the comprehensive reflection of the best combination of various influencing factors, and these factors influence and restrict each other. Among them, the training factors include eight secondary indexes, which are arranged in order according to the weight value as follows: scientific selection of materials, systematization of training, scientization, competition opportunities and quantity, guiding role of scientific research on training, Coach Industry The level of work quality, the knowledge structure of athletes, the technical and tactical level of athletes, and the sports injury; the genetic factors are arranged according to their importance as follows: athletes'physical quality characteristics, athletes' physiological characteristics, athletes'physical shape characteristics, athletes' personality and psychological characteristics; the sub-indexes of psychological factors are in turn as follows: training activities Force factors, athletes'will quality, athletes' intelligence level, athletes'moral accomplishment; Sociological factors include: socio-political and economic development factors, social science and technology development level, family factors, the overall level of Chinese volleyball, Henan volleyball training system, interpersonal factors.
2. The success factors of Henan excellent volleyball players influence each other and play an indispensable role in the unity of their own development, which runs through the whole process of the success of Henan excellent volleyball players. Under the environment, it promotes the comprehensive quality of Henan excellent volleyball players to gradually form, improve, develop and mature.
3. The best mature age of Henan elite volleyball players: (1) The whole training process for many years includes four stages: basic stage, improving stage, mature stage and maintaining stage. There are differences in mature time between male and female volleyball players in each stage. (2) According to the time characteristic curve of Henan elite volleyball players'mature time It is found that the age of Henan elite male and female volleyball players entering amateur sports school is mainly concentrated in 12-13 years old, the age of entering the provincial youth team is mostly concentrated in 14-15 years old, the majority of adult teams are 17-18 years old, until the last 18-23 years into the national team. (3) Henan elite volleyball players in terms of training years, to go through 4-5 years of basic training stage, 3-4. In a word, it takes 10-12 years to train a good volleyball player.
4. Henan Province excellent volleyball players innate quality formation law - good body, physical quality is the protection of athletes to become talented, good selection based on genetic factors is half of the athletes to become talented.
5. Henan excellent volleyball players'internal driving law-correct and positive training motivation and attitude is the foundation and premise of success, and it is the source of motivation for the success of Henan excellent volleyball players.
6. The law of interaction between internal and external factors of excellent volleyball players in Henan Province--the development of social politics and economy and the family's attention and support create convenient external conditions for the success of outstanding volleyball players in Henan Province. It is a strong backing for the success of outstanding volleyball players in Henan Province.


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