[Abstract]:Political identity is a very important phenomenon in social and political life. The political identity of college students can not only reflect the political psychology of college students, but also directly reflect the effect of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The positive political identity of college students is helpful for the ruling party to exert its influence among the youth, to strengthen the legitimacy foundation of the party, and to realize the goal of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Through understanding the performance of college students' political identity in different periods, the ideological and political educators in colleges and universities can improve their understanding of the political psychology of college students. To prevent college students from impact on social stability caused by large-scale social events caused by political sensitive points. The political identity of college students takes the background of different historical stage as the influence factor to present different theme evolution. In the early stage of reform and opening up, the political identity of college students showed two stages. From the late 1970s to the mid-1980s, they were affected by the political situation of setting things right at that time. College students' political identity shows a trend of critical reflection and a rise in political enthusiasm. However, by the middle and late 1980s to the early 1990s, college students showed distrust of Marxism, the Party and the government. There was even a crisis of belief, which was closely related to the influence of the trend of thought of liberalization in the West at that time. After the early 1990s, the establishment of the socialist market economic system made the whole society's eyes concentrate on the economic field. The political identity of college students presents rational and pragmatic side with the change of our country's economic situation, and the performance identity which is dominated by economic development is obvious. In the 21st century, great changes have taken place in the political, economic and social situation of our country. In this period, the political identity of college students is mainly manifested in the consensus of civil rights identity, which is dominated by people's livelihood and social justice. Through the different manifestations of college students' political identity at different historical stages, we can see that the social and economic development is the fundamental reason that affects the college students' political identity, and the social and political situation is the direct reason. The Party and the government attach great importance to and guide correctly is an important guarantee, the social and cultural trend of thought is an important reason, therefore, the state should continue to promote social and economic development, colleges and universities should constantly improve the way and content of ideological and political education. Insist on putting the correct political direction first in higher education.
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