[Abstract]:Modernization and industrialization liberate mankind from the bondage of nature and tradition. Economic development and social progress not only bring wealth to human beings, but also bring risks to human beings. Unlike other crises, risk is brewed by humans and poses widespread, long-term threats. The PX project risk, one of many environmental risks, has created panic again and again in the last seven years. From the beginning of "walking" in Xiamen, Nanjing, Dalian, Ningbo, Xianyang, Chengdu, Kunming, Maoming and other places all broke out the PX incident successively, "PX extremely toxic theory", "PX distance theory" and so on rumour bewitching, filled the streets and lanes. PX project risk has changed from a simple environmental problem to a complex political, economic, social and cultural problem. People's Daily, as the representative of official discourse, and Southern weekend, as the representative of civil discourse, play an important role in the construction of PX project risk. How do they construct the PX project by media? What are their characteristics? What are the similarities and differences between the two? Studying these questions will help us to clarify the frightening appearance of the PX spell and explore the nature of risk transmission. In this paper, risk sociology theory and news frame theory are used to make frame analysis and comparative analysis. Through frame analysis and comparative analysis, it is found that both of them are concerned about the issue of PX project risk, with obvious changes in visual angle, rich risk information sources, complete narrative structure and rich rhetoric. However, there are obvious differences between the two reporting perspectives, information source structure, narrative focus, risk attribution, and the proposed means of risk regulation. By analyzing the causes of these similarities and differences, this study finds four problems that deserve further consideration: political and economic pressure makes the media "generally agree", fear is the means of mass media to gain attention; Media environmental discourse embodies power contest, and environmental rhetoric is the most powerful environmental discourse.
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