[Abstract]:Software has been applied to political, economic, military, cultural and other areas. Due to the continuous improvement of software scale, complexity and intelligence level, the increasingly complex application environment, and the uncontrollability of software development process, there are many defects in the on-line operation of software products, which lead to the software not credible. The method of software confidence measurement is one of the key and difficult problems in the field of trusted software in recent years. Through literature review and software enterprise investigation, this paper systematically studies the latest research results of trusted software measurement at home and abroad. The trusted attributes of software mainly focus on security, survivability, fault tolerance, reliability and security. Real-time research. Because of the diversity of the trusted attributes of software and the inconsistency among them, it is difficult to reflect the overall level of trust in software by single attribute trust. In order to further explore the relationship between software trusted attributes, the diversity of software trusted attributes and the complexity of software trusted measure model are analyzed. According to the software quality standard of ISO/IEC25010, the software behavior is trusted and the ability is trusted. The trust index system of software based on user behavior trust, considering that different software needs different trust measure, can combine and adjust the confidence measure index. Because the attribute of trusted software measure index is of high dimension, aiming at the optimal projection direction optimization problem in projection pursuit method, the idea of gravitational search algorithm (Gravitation Research Algorithm,GSA) is introduced. The penalty function method (SUMT) is used to construct a new projection index function, which simplifies the complexity of the projection index function. Combining with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and entropy weight method, the attribute features of high-dimensional trusted software are reduced to effective low-dimensional data. A trusted software measurement model based on improved projection pursuit technique is proposed. In order to reflect the level of trusted software more intuitively, a classification method of trusted software is proposed based on the nearest neighbor clustering propagation algorithm. The case study shows that the calculation results of the integrated software confidence measure model are basically consistent with the actual operation of the software, which provides a new method for effectively measuring the trusted level of large-scale complex software systems.
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