发布时间:2018-11-17 19:37
【摘要】:本文采用史料考证法、比较研究法、史实考证与理论分析结合的方法,研究了朱德的军事技术思想与实践。全文共包括七部分: 绪论部分回顾总结了学术界关于朱德军事技术思想的研究现状及对朱德军事技术思想研究的缺失,指出朱德军事技术思想是朱德军事思想重要组成部分,并就选题的意义、研究方法、研究思路与重难点进行说明。 论文首先探讨了朱德的军事技术思想的形成与发展的历史条件及进程。阐明近代中外军事技术的悬殊、中国国内政治经济发展的不平衡和朱德的特殊阅历是朱德军事技术思想形成的历史条件;朱德军事技术思想是朱德同志从我国我军的实际情况出发,创造性地运用马克思主义的基本原理,在长期领导人民军队、革命和建设的实践中,逐步形成和发展的,并分析这一思想的初步产生、基本形成和系统完善三个大的时期,认为从1909年入云南讲武堂到1928年朱毛会师是朱德军事技术思想萌芽时期;从1928朱德会师到1949年新中国成立,是朱德军事技术思想基本形成时期。新中国成立后,针对人民解放军的历史使命的深刻变化,围绕建设一支现代化的国防武装力量而进一步升华了其军事技术思想。 然后,从朱德军事技术地位思想、军事技术训练教育思想和军事工业建设思想等三个方面分别进行了阐述。朱德的军事技术的地位思想的主要表现:“技术是战术的基础”是朱德以马克思主义为指导,结合根据地经济技术落后、武器缴获成为主要来源且兵源以科学文化落后的农民为主的工农武装实际,强调军事技术对人民战争战术决定性作用;朱德关于政治合格后、技术决定一切的思想不仅肯定了军事技术在现代战争中的地位,而且突出了技术在人民军队建设中的战略地位;朱德关于勇敢加技术就战无不胜的思想,避免了过去将勇敢和技术割裂的片面思想,将勇敢和技术作为人民军队建设的根本要求。 朱德的军事技术教育训练思想与实践主要体现在:首先,办好军事学校是一个长期的、永久性的建设任务的思想指导下,考察了在经济技术落后的根据地,从无到有、从综合到特种人才教育的艰难发展历程。其次,考察了朱德关于军事技术教育训练主体、对象、内容等方面的基本思想和原则:如军事技术教育训练必须从实际出发的思想与实践;军事技术训练关键在于干部的学习思想与实践;军事训练中的分级负责和训练过程中的官兵互训的技术民主思想与实践等。 朱德军事工业建设思想主要体现在:军事工业是朱德军事技术思想赖以产生和发展的重要工业基础。主要阐明了朱德关于兵工厂建设在人民军队建设中的重要地位的思想;指导人民兵工工业从无到有,从小到大的建设思想与实践;关于人民兵工管理的思想与实践;关于向世界学习先进军事技术促进中国国防现代化的思想与实践。 论文还分析了朱德军事技术思想的特点和地位。通过跟毛泽东比较,探讨朱德军事技术思想的人民性、时代性、实践性和创新性的特点;朱德军事技术思想不仅在理论上丰富毛泽东军事思想,而且在实践中指导人民兵工和人民军队实现了从无到有、从弱到强、从落后到现代化的历史跨越。 论文最后指出了军事技术思想与实践研究的学术意义和现实理论意义,同时也指出了要挖掘新的史料,进一步研究朱德关于军民两用、军事技术人才、军事技术发展等思想,深化朱德与毛泽东的比较研究。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the military technology thought and practice of Zhu De, using the methods of historical materials textual research, comparative study, historical textual research and theoretical analysis. The full text includes seven parts: The introduction part reviews the current situation and the lack of the research on the military technology of Zhu De in the academic circles, and points out that the thought of Zhu De's military technology is an important part of Zhu De's military thought, and the significance of the topic is studied. Methods, the study thought and the difficult point of the study The paper first discusses the formation and development of the military technology thought of Zhu De. The conditions and processes of the Chinese and foreign military technology are expounded. The imbalance of the political and economic development in China and the special experience of Zhu De are the historical conditions of the formation of the thought of Zhu De's military technology. The thought of Zhu De's military technology is the real situation of Comrade Zhu De from our army. In the long-term leadership of the people's army, the revolution and the construction of the people's army, the development and development of the people's army, the revolution and the construction are gradually formed and developed, and the basic formation and the system improvement are three. In a great period, it is thought that from 1909 to Yunnan, it is the bud of Zhu De's military technology, from 1909 to Yunnan, and from the beginning of 1928 to the new China in 1949, it is the thought base of Zhu De's military technology. After the formation of the new China, a profound change in the historical mission of the People's Liberation Army has further sublimed its forces around the construction of a modern national defense force Then, from Zhu De's military technology position thought, military technology training education thought and military industrial construction thought, etc. The main performance of the position of Zhu De's military technology is as follows: the 鈥淭echnology is the basis of the tactics鈥,
[Abstract]:This paper studies the military technology thought and practice of Zhu De, using the methods of historical materials textual research, comparative study, historical textual research and theoretical analysis. The full text includes seven parts: The introduction part reviews the current situation and the lack of the research on the military technology of Zhu De in the academic circles, and points out that the thought of Zhu De's military technology is an important part of Zhu De's military thought, and the significance of the topic is studied. Methods, the study thought and the difficult point of the study The paper first discusses the formation and development of the military technology thought of Zhu De. The conditions and processes of the Chinese and foreign military technology are expounded. The imbalance of the political and economic development in China and the special experience of Zhu De are the historical conditions of the formation of the thought of Zhu De's military technology. The thought of Zhu De's military technology is the real situation of Comrade Zhu De from our army. In the long-term leadership of the people's army, the revolution and the construction of the people's army, the development and development of the people's army, the revolution and the construction are gradually formed and developed, and the basic formation and the system improvement are three. In a great period, it is thought that from 1909 to Yunnan, it is the bud of Zhu De's military technology, from 1909 to Yunnan, and from the beginning of 1928 to the new China in 1949, it is the thought base of Zhu De's military technology. After the formation of the new China, a profound change in the historical mission of the People's Liberation Army has further sublimed its forces around the construction of a modern national defense force Then, from Zhu De's military technology position thought, military technology training education thought and military industrial construction thought, etc. The main performance of the position of Zhu De's military technology is as follows: the 鈥淭echnology is the basis of the tactics鈥,