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发布时间:2018-11-23 16:29
【摘要】:Web2.0的时代,博客的出现对人们产生了强烈的影响。在博客时代,人们不只是信息的接收者也是参与创建、修改、重制、混合和传递信息的生产者,也就是说人们由被动的信息接收者成为了主动的信息创作者。从网络使用总体来看男性网络使用者居多,但是女性使用博客比男性活跃。在男权占主导地位的社会,女性往往被边缘化,并局限在私人空间,而在博客时代,女性不仅拥有了虚拟的免费话语空间,而且塑造自身多重身份,她们的身份介于私域与公域,消费者与销售者,业余人士与专家等多重身份之间。并且基于博客积累的声誉或信誉,其创作的博客内容被转发或共享,成为其获得经济、权力和其他地位的基石。博客赋予女性的话语权,使博客女性与男性处于相对平等的地位,更重要的是一些博客女性开始在较多方面表现出女性性别意识的觉醒和萌动。 就女性博客作者规模而言,是一个不断增长的过程。截止2007年12月,在2.1亿人中国网民中,女性占42.8%,平均每四个网民中就有一个博客作者。至2013年我国博客和个人空间网民数量为4.01亿,网民中博客和个人空间的使用率为68.0%,其中女性博客使用率比男性更为活跃。 就女性博客内容来看,按博客题材可分为生活型博客,学习型博客以及评论型博客;按表达方式可分为理想化博客,自曝式博客以及反叛式博客;按行为动机可分为成就型、亲和型以及权力型博客;按功能分为情感性博客、知识性博客以及营销性博客。女性博客内容以时尚、美容、情感、育婴、生活与婚恋等软性题材为主,感性生活以及娱乐休闲的内容占最大比重。博客拉近了女性与媒介的距离,女性借助博客不仅找到了展示自身价值的新舞台,女性的参与为这个舞台带来了更多的精彩。女性博客的影响力正不断地提升。 就女性博客形象而言,一方面体现出传统与个性相融的特性。主要缘于传统的“三从四德”思想观念的影响及长期被局限于以“家庭”为核心的私人领域,使女性博客内容与女性形象表现出一定的传统化,而现代女性情感和经济上的日渐独立,以及视野的开阔和社会地位的彰显,使颠覆传统、标新立异、张扬个性的女性博主风起云涌。另一方面,女性博主的形象体现了理性与感性的共存。由于女性天生感性,因此很多女性会通过博客抒发悲欢离合等情感,感性博客占据女性博客的主导地位。但近年来知性女博主越来越活跃,在政治、经济、文化、民生等问题上呈现出越来越理性的思索。 从女性博客发展来看,女性博客塑造了女性的多重身份。她们拥有被动信息接收者与主动信息发布者双重角色;女性博主既是所谓“私域”(家庭生活)的主角,也是所谓“公域”(政治、文化、社会等)活跃的重要角色;女性博主既是消费者又是销售者;既是业余人士,也是某方面的专家。博客网络的隐匿性激发了女性的个性化角色表演欲望。女性博客作者身份界于被动与主动,私域与公域,消费者与销售者以及业余与专业的博客角色及“自我”与“客我”多重身份之间。博客的出现也为女性思想解放提供了“敢怒敢言”的话语平台,为女性主义思想传播奠定了媒介基础。女性博客提升了女性话语权,昭示了女性意识在当下的觉醒。一些知名女性博客和个性女博客也成为提供商业资讯、获取经济利益的舞台。 中国女性博客发展也存在一些问题:由于传统男权文化根深蒂固的影响,导致大部分女性的女权意识尚未觉醒;女性博客话题过于狭隘也是博客发展一大障碍;在经济全球化的影响下,受商业利益的驱动,女性博客的商业化问题值得关注。 总之,博客在女性领域的使用越来越普及,博客的发展为女性奠基了一个提升自我价值的舞台。女性博客为女性话语表达,女性意识觉醒提供了前所未有的场所和条件,对推动女权主义思想的传播,对女性自我身份的建构具有重要意义。女性的多元声音正在博客里积蓄力量,这即对传统的意识形态和男性中心文化构成威胁,也是一种颠覆现有秩序,重构新秩序的积极的建设性力量。
[Abstract]:In the era of Web2.0, the emergence of the blog has a strong influence on people. In the post-blog era, people are not only the recipients of information, but also the producers involved in the creation, modification, re-establishment, mixing and transfer of information, that is, people have become active information creators by passive information receivers. The majority of male-network users are used from the network, but women use blogs more active than men. In the dominant society, women are often marginalized and confined to the private space, while in the age of the blog, women have not only the virtual free discourse space, but also the multiple identities of themselves, their identity is between the private and public domain, the consumer and the seller, between amateurs and experts. and based on the reputation or reputation accumulated by the blog, the content of the blog authored by the blog is forwarded or shared to be the cornerstone of its economic, power and other status. The blog gives the woman the right to speak, and makes the female of the blog in a relative equal position with the male, and more importantly, some bloggers are beginning to show the awakening and the eruption of the female's gender consciousness in many ways. in that case of the size of the author's blog, it's a growing one. The process. By December 2007, in 2. 100 million Chinese Internet users, women accounted for 42.8%, with an average of one of the four Internet users By 2013, the number of blogs and personal space users in our country is 4.01 billion, and the usage rate of the blog and personal space of the Internet users is 60.0%, of which the female's blog usage rate is more than that of the male Active. According to the content of the female's blog, the subject of the blog can be divided into life-type blog, learning-type blog and comment-type blog; it can be divided into an idealized blog, a self-contained blog and a rebel-type blog according to the expression mode; the behavior-based motivation can be divided into achievement-type, affinity-type, and the like; Power-based blogs; divided into emotional blogs, intellectual blogs, and Marketing blog. The content of female blog is the content of the soft subjects such as fashion, beauty, emotion, baby, life and love, and the content of emotional life and entertainment and leisure. The biggest share. The blog has drawn the distance between women and the media, and women have not only found a new stage to show their value, but women's participation has brought about the stage. More wonderful. Women's blog's influence is positive. Growing up. In terms of the female's blog, on the one hand, it shows the tradition The influence of the traditional 鈥渢hree-slave-four-way鈥,




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