[Abstract]:With the continuous advancement of economic system and political system reform, citizens' awareness of rights and participation gradually awakens, citizens are no longer satisfied with being the object of public policy, but actively participate in the formulation of public policy. The citizen participation in the process of making public policy has been paid more and more attention to so that the public policy can protect its own interests. Citizens' participation in public decision-making plays a positive role in individual citizens, government, public policy itself and the country as a whole. However, at present, there are still many problems about citizen participation in the formulation of public policy. During the period of social transformation in China, how to take measures from the political, economic, cultural and legal aspects, To enable citizens to better participate in public decision-making has become a question worth exploring. The first part introduces the background and significance of choosing this topic to carry on the research, summarizes the foreign and domestic research results of this subject, and adopts the method of literature research, the first part introduces the background and significance of the research on citizen participation in the process of public policy-making, the first part introduces the background and significance of choosing this topic to do research. The combination of theory and practice reveals the main content and emphasis of this paper. The second part, based on Marxist theory, sovereignty-in-people theory, public service theory and governance theory, reveals the value of citizen participation in the process of public policy-making, starting from the most basic definition of the concept and based on Marxist theory, sovereignty-in-people theory, public service theory and governance theory. The third part affirms the achievements of citizen participation in the process of public policy-making since the reform and opening-up, and then expounds many problems existing in citizen participation in public decision-making. The paper also analyzes the influencing factors of citizens' participation in the process of public policy-making. In the fourth part, on the basis of analyzing the problems and influencing factors of citizen participation in the process of public policy-making in our country, the author puts forward the perfect path choice in order to promote citizen participation better.
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