本文选题:离心压缩机 切入点:双级 出处:《中国科学院研究生院(工程热物理研究所)》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the process of energy storage, the compression subsystem inflates to the tank, and the compressor exhaust pressure increases continuously. In order to enlarge the stable working range of centrifugal compressor and obtain higher average operating efficiency, Changing the opening of the inlet guide vane is one of the commonly used regulating methods. In this paper, the two-stage centrifugal compressor with adjustable guide vane before each stage is taken as the research object, and the performance prediction and numerical simulation method are used. The regulation law of guide vane and its internal flow change of centrifugal compressor are analyzed. The main research contents are as follows: 1. The performance prediction of adjustable guide vane regulation of centrifugal compressor is carried out. 11 kinds of empirical loss models in compressor stage are selected. The performance prediction program is established by Matlab. The results show that the performance prediction can accurately calculate the design performance of centrifugal compressor, and the greater the deviation from the design condition, the greater the error. The four main losses are corrected by flow coefficient. The maximum error of pressure ratio and efficiency is controlled within 5%. The predicted value of the highest point of efficiency is basically in agreement with the simulated value. 2. The combined governing performance of the guide vane of the two-stage centrifugal compressor is calculated by using the prediction model. Compared with the numerical simulation, the error of the pressure ratio in the near clogging increases gradually, the maximum is about 6%; The error between the efficiency curve and the simulation curve increases at near stall and clogging, and the clogging is more obvious, the maximum is about 8.3%, and the predicted value of efficiency highest point is basically consistent with the simulated value. Numerical simulation of guide vane regulation of two-stage centrifugal compressor is carried out and the mechanism of regulation law is analyzed. The results show that the impeller inlet angle of attack is large and the larger positive opening improves the flow situation of the suction surface at the tip tail of the blade when the flow rate is small. Reducing the possibility of compressor stall at a lower flow rate, the guide vane regulation expands the stable operating condition of the centrifugal compressor; the greater the opening degree, the greater the velocity gradient in the impeller, the more uneven the Mach number distribution, and the greater the loss in the stage. The efficiency of the guide vane is decreased. 4. By using porous media to simulate the interstage cooler, the combined regulation of the guide vane of the two-stage centrifugal compressor is numerically simulated. When the second stage guide vane is negative opening, the pressure ratio increases, while the other combined pressure ratio decreases. The combined efficiency performance of arbitrary guide vane opening is lower than that of the reference working condition. Compared with the non-adjustment and single-stage guide vane regulation, the double-cascade adjustment greatly expands the stable operation range of the two-stage centrifugal compressor. The double-cascade adjustment efficiency is high. Most of the working conditions are above 80% .5.When the guide vane adjusts, the range of high speed fluid at the suction surface of the tip increases when the inlet of the impeller is negative, and the high speed fluid at the suction surface of the tip gradually disappears with the increase of the opening. At the tip pressure surface, there is a low-velocity low-energy fluid region near the impeller tail suction surface near the blade root, and the wake area shrinks with the increase of opening.
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