《Proceedings of 17th World Congress on Ergonomics》2009年
《Proceedings of 17th World Congress on Ergonomics》2009年
Reducing Secondary-task Workload While Driving Through Interactive Interface
Patrick Jordan
【摘要】:The proliferation of new technology in cars brings many potential benefits in terms of safety,driving efficiency and in-car entertainment.However there are also potential problems associated with it,in particular that its usage may cause distraction from the driving task.These problems may be compounded by drivers bringing other ?nomadic devices? into the vehicle to use while driving.These include products such as mobile phones,music players,GPS and personal communicators.The combined effect of using these devices in addition to in-car technology creates a danger that the driver will become overloaded to the extent that it has a detrimental effect on driving performance and safety.To mitigate this potential problem,a number of manufacturers have developed ?interactive interfaces?.These are systems which allow drivers to operate nomadic devices by connecting them to a specially designed in-car interface and operating them(and the in-car technology) through this.This paper reports a study investigating drivers? favourability towards ?interactive interfaces?-in-car interfaces through which a wide variety of different devices and in-car systems can be used Participants were asked for their perceptions about the effects of interactive interfaces on driving safety and their views about the comparative usability of different designs.The study was questionnaire-based and included 126 Swedish drivers and 170 Chinese drivers.The results indicated the differences between Chinese driver and Swedish drivers.Based on the Chalmers Driving Segmentation,the majority of Swedish are ?diligent? drivers while over 30% Chinese driver were ?progressive? ones.The majority of Swedish drivers understand the negative impact of using mobile phones during driving,while the majority of the Chinese drivers didn?t see a problem with it.Results indicated that drivers were mostly positive about interactive interfaces and felt that they made device use easier when on the move.But at the same time,a significant proportion of drivers would use more devices and functionality than they currently do now if they were operated through an interactive interface.This means that the potential safety benefits of the interface may be lost for some drivers.
【作者单位】:Interaction Design Group,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Chalmers University of Technology
INTRODUCTION “Nomadic devices” technology is developing very fast. Every 6 months, a new model comes to the market. Some typical devices are mobile phones (simple or smart ones), portable GPS, MP3 players, etc. The nomadic device technology has become
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