[Abstract]:It is difficult to realize the physical operation training examination according to the traditional operator training examination method. Based on the hardware-in-the-loop simulation technology, a set of mobile pressure vessel simulation operation examination system is developed in this paper. Firstly, the requirement analysis and overall design of the mobile pressure vessel hardware-in-the-loop simulation operation examination system are carried out, and the composition of the simulation system and the main functions of the system are determined. According to the loading and unloading process of LNG,CNG,LPG cylinder and LNG tank, the detailed design of 瀹為檯 鎿嶄綔 body of the simulation system is given. The physical signal and electrical signal conversion of all kinds of valves, pressure gauges and display parts are realized by modifying the operation parts and display instruments in 瀹為檯 鎿嶄綔 's body. A data acquisition and processing system is developed to collect and process the signals generated by 瀹為檯 鎿嶄綔. By analyzing the characteristics of the simulation system, the simulation system model is divided into two types: the vessel body system model and the pipeline system model. The mathematical models of liquid level, temperature and pressure are established respectively. Finally, according to the functional requirements of the system, the hardware-in-the-loop simulation operation examination system software is designed and developed by using the VS software development tool.
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