[Abstract]:Reciprocating compressor is widely used in engineering practice. However, due to its structural characteristics, various faults often occur, so the traditional detection method based on vibration signal can not eliminate the influence of interference signal. The experimental results are not ideal. In this paper, a fault identification and diagnosis method based on pressure signal and invariant moment algorithm is proposed. By collecting pressure signal, the influence of impurity signal is avoided, and the invariant moment of pressure signal indicator diagram is calculated. Combined with support vector machine (SVM), the fault types are identified and detected effectively. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the pressure signal of reciprocating compressor is collected, and the relevant information of indicator diagram is obtained after further modification and normalization. (2) the indicator diagram is binarization and morphological refinement. The redundant information of the image is reduced as the basis and basis of analysis and judgment. (3) the characteristic quantity of the invariant moment of the indicator diagram is calculated, and seven invariant moments are constructed on the basis of the center distance obtained after normalization. The orthogonal processing of Gram-Schmidt is carried out, which can effectively eliminate the influence of linear correlation of eigenvector. (4) support vector machine (SVM) method is used to classify and identify fault features, which has a good convergence rate. The computation time of feature classification is greatly shortened, and it is suitable for classification problem.
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