本文关键词: 秦 灾异 灾异观 减灾措施 影响 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近几年来,随着自然环境的恶劣程度加剧,自然灾害的日益频发,人们的生产生活受到越来越大的影响,引起了人们对自然灾害变迁的关注,人们急于从过往的历史中查找经验与教训,寻找未来的出路,使得灾害史的研究成为当下学术界的热点。本文选择了秦国及秦王朝的灾害(异)进行研究,以为突破。 秦国及秦王朝是中国历史上的一个重要时期,研究秦史,对整个古代史的研究都有着其重要的意义。从灾荒史研究的角度而言,秦国及秦代,作为中国历史上的一个重要历史时期,从秦人的传说时代到秦代的灭亡,其时间跨度十分久远,对秦国及秦朝的灾害的研究无疑是中国灾害研究的重要组成部分。 而就目前的研究状态来看,在整个灾害史的研究中,相较于其他时代,对秦的灾害的研究是远远不够的。这一方面固然是由于秦史资料的短缺,另一方面是因为学者对秦史的研究主要集中于政治与经济等传统领域的研究。本文力图就此问题展开论述。 正如我们所知道的,秦最初是一个落后的封建诸侯国,所处地域地理环境复杂,面临着多种自然灾害的侵袭。针对这些自然灾害,秦人对其的态度,随着时代的变迁,各有不同,其应对的策略也不尽相同。本文对有秦一代灾异进行了考察,并探讨秦的减灾战略与措施,从另一个角度来认识灾害对秦人社会及历史进程的影响。 由于,在古代,人们对星变、日月变异、昼晦以及陨石等自然现象没有科学的认识,尽管这些异象不会引起大的灾荒,但这些异象无疑会引起人们的恐惧和社会的骚动,往往与政治危机相应。因此,有关星变、日月变异、昼晦以及陨石等的记载占有很大的比例,在探讨秦国及秦王朝灾害史的问题时,亦将这些问题加入其中进行探讨。 具体到文章论述中,首先,就史籍中有关秦的灾异记录进行了梳理,,并列出了详细的表格,同时对其特点作了时间上和空间上的概括。接着,从自然和人文两个大的方面讨论了秦的灾异的成因。同时,又探讨了秦的灾异观的变迁及在不同的赈灾思想的指导下所实施的减灾战略与其具体措施。最后,在结语中,总结了秦的灾异对有秦一代历史进程的影响,并论及了秦人在面对灾荒时的得与失,以为当代人所借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the worsening of the natural environment and the increasing frequency of natural disasters, people's production and life have been more and more affected, which has aroused people's concern about the changes of natural disasters. People are eager to look for experience and lessons from the past and find a way out for the future, which makes the research of disaster history become a hot spot in the academic field. This paper chooses the Qin and Qin Dynasty disasters (different) to study. Think of a breakthrough. Qin and Qin dynasties are an important period in Chinese history. The study of Qin history is of great significance to the study of the whole ancient history. From the perspective of the study of the history of famine, Qin and Qin dynasties. As an important historical period in Chinese history, its time span is very long from the legendary period of Qin people to the extinction of Qin Dynasty. The study of the disasters in Qin and Qin dynasties is undoubtedly an important part of disaster research in China. As far as the current research status is concerned, in the study of the whole history of disasters, compared with other times, the research on the disasters of Qin Dynasty is far from enough, which is certainly due to the shortage of information on the history of Qin Dynasty. On the other hand, scholars' research on Qin history is mainly focused on traditional fields such as politics and economy. As we know, Qin was at first a backward feudal state with a complex geographical environment and a variety of natural disasters. In view of these natural disasters, Qin people's attitude towards them. With the change of the times, there are different strategies to deal with the disasters. This paper investigates the different disasters of the Qin generation, and discusses the disaster reduction strategies and measures of the Qin Dynasty. From another angle to understand the impact of disasters on the social and historical process of Qin people. Because, in ancient times, there was no scientific understanding of natural phenomena such as star changes, sun and moon variations, dark days, and meteorites, although these visions did not cause major famine. But there is no doubt that these visions cause fear and social unrest, often corresponding to political crises. Therefore, there is a large proportion of records of star-changing, sun-moon variations, diurnal obscurity and meteorites. When discussing the disaster history of Qin Dynasty and Qin Dynasty, these problems were also discussed. Specific to the discussion of the article, first of all, on the historical records of the disaster records of Qin were combed, and listed a detailed table, at the same time, the characteristics of the time and space for a summary. Then. This paper discusses the causes of different disasters in Qin Dynasty from two aspects of nature and humanity. At the same time, it also discusses the changes of different views on disasters in Qin Dynasty and the strategies and concrete measures of disaster reduction implemented under the guidance of different ideas of disaster relief. In the conclusion, it sums up the influence of the disaster difference of Qin Dynasty on the historical process of Qin generation, and discusses the gains and losses of Qin people in the face of famine, which can be used for reference by contemporary people.
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