本文关键词: 安全监管 指标体系 网络平台 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have deeply promoted the reform and development in the field of production safety. With the development of economic and social development, improving quality and efficiency, optimizing and upgrading the industrial structure, and continuously improving the ability of social governance, since the development of the media era, The issue of safety has received unprecedented heated discussion. Because the complexity and diversity of safety accidents have made it difficult for the government to supervise safety, it has promoted the deep integration of information technology and safety in production. To establish a unified standard system for the construction of information on production safety, Relying on the national e-government network platform to perfect the safety production information infrastructure and network system and other issues have been placed in front of all levels of safety regulatory agencies. The government safety supervision network platform is the safety supervision users use government outside the network and enterprises. An integrated platform for information exchange between industry users via the Internet. The emergence of the platform has changed the traditional mode of government regulation. It helps the government to build a tool that is simple, efficient, clean and fair, thus enhancing the effectiveness of government safety supervision. Through the investigation and investigation of the construction of the safety production supervision network platform of the district and county level governments, it is found that at present, the evaluation criteria for the construction of the information network platform of the safety supervision bodies have not yet been unified. Therefore, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of safety production supervision network platform based on three dimensions of function, performance and user documents, with the aid of the "Manufacturing Information Engineering 2003 Application Software Product Evaluation Standard", and the evaluation method of the ERP software evaluation method, which includes three dimensions: function, performance and user documents. By using three kinds of evaluation tools to divide the results into passing and not, Finally, a case study of Taian government safety production supervision network platform is carried out. In the investigation of various levels of government safety production supervision network platform, it is also found that the construction mode of our government safety production supervision network system is from top to bottom. The state has focused on the construction of the safety production supervision network at the provincial and ministerial levels, while the construction of the prefectural and municipal safety production supervision network has been weakened. However, the prefectural and municipal level and the district and county level are the first places where safety incidents occur. It is the first scene to deal with safety incidents and the first battlefield to carry out rescue activities, especially the level of safety production supervision at prefectural and municipal level directly determines the effectiveness of safety incidents. So the optimization schemes proposed in this paper are three types: technical level. The construction objects of the technical layer are divided into national level and provincial level, prefectural level and district level. The security statistical analysis business is divided into the first level, and the security specific business class is focused on the second level.
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