本文选题:煤矿安全 + 指标气体 ; 参考:《华北理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The spontaneous combustion of coal is one of the important reasons leading to the coal mine fire, which not only restricts the development of coal economy, but also buries a great hidden danger of safety for the normal production of coal mine. It is very important to make early prediction and forecast of coal spontaneous combustion. After studying the mechanism of coal spontaneous combustion and the present situation in the field of coal spontaneous combustion prediction, In this paper, a coal spontaneous combustion prediction system based on LVQ neural network is put forward. The system can be divided into the following steps: first, The beam tube gas collecting system is adopted to transmit the gas detected under the mine to the chromatograph. Secondly, the collected gas is analyzed by using the chromatograph, and the index gas concentration data of each detection point are obtained. Third, After the chromatographic workstation strengthened the index gas concentration data, the data was transferred automatically and real-time to the trained LVQ neural network in the form of Excel file through LAN, combined with the data file synchronous transfer software. Fourth, through the network analysis of the index gas concentration data, the coal seam of the monitoring point is judged whether the spontaneous combustion, at the same time, combined with the temperature sensor measured temperature value, the monitoring point coal seam spontaneous combustion or not to make a comprehensive evaluation. Based on the experimental data of Donghuantuo coal sample oxidation in Tangshan, LVQ network was created and simulated by matrix lab. Selecting three groups of marked gas concentration ratios Ch _ 4 / COO _ 2 / CO _ 2 / O _ 2 as the network input, selecting the mark gas concentration ratio as the network input can minimize the influence of mine ventilation and heat dissipation on the mark gas concentration. Therefore, the prediction accuracy of coal spontaneous combustion can be improved within a certain range. Unfired and unfired are represented as network outputs by 1 and 2, respectively. Through simulation analysis, LVQ neural network is more rapid, stable and accurate than BP neural network model in dealing with index gas concentration collected from coal seam by beam tube collecting device and making prediction of spontaneous combustion. When the data of gas concentration other than training samples are inputted into the network, the network will make an accurate prediction of the spontaneous combustion of coal seams. The LVQ neural network model can effectively overcome the complex mathematical modeling problem of the index gas concentration data, can solve the defects of the beam tube system easily affected by the ventilation conditions, and obviously improves the correct rate of coal spontaneous combustion prediction. It provides a new powerful basis for the prediction of spontaneous combustion of coal seam.
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