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发布时间:2018-05-07 08:05

  本文选题:零事故 + 安全文化 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The booming development of the manufacturing industry and the labor-intensive characteristics of the domestic coastal manufacturing industry make the industrial injury accident rate of the labor-intensive manufacturing industry remain high. How to change the behavior of employees through the construction of safety culture, there are few researches on labor-intensive enterprises at home and abroad. Therefore, according to the author's experience and statistics of basic level production safety management in labor-intensive enterprises for more than ten years, the relationship between safety culture and employee safety behavior in labor-intensive enterprises is studied in this paper. First of all, on the basis of collecting the research conclusions of safety culture and safety behavior at home and abroad for many years, the paper analyzes the internal relationship between safety culture and safety behavior, and determines the research contents and thinking methods of this paper. Secondly, according to the connotation development of safety culture, through investigation and seminar, we collect a lot of materials and design a set of feasible safety culture evaluation tools to quantitatively evaluate the performance of safety culture. Through the comparison of data before and after the promotion of zero accident safety culture in a large manufacturing factory, it includes the comparison of enterprise safety culture situation before and after implementation, the employees' perception of the safety atmosphere of the enterprise, the statistics of accidents, the hidden dangers of safety, etc. It is concluded that the promotion of safety culture plays an important role in reducing the rate of industrial injury accidents, improving the identity of employees to enterprises and giving full play to the enthusiasm of employees in the construction of enterprise culture. With the help of the practice of promoting zero accident safety culture in the factory and introducing the advanced safety management experience of foreign countries, this paper abstracts and summarizes a set of practical system and safety culture construction model which can be applied to large manufacturing enterprises. At the same time, according to the characteristics of production safety in large manufacturing industry, the investigation model is improved to provide a practical reference for enterprises to promote safety culture. Finally, through the practical application of the safety culture implementation model in a labor-intensive manufacturing factory, the author shows the contrast effect before and after the implementation, which can provide a good safety culture construction model for the subsequent enterprise safety culture promotion practice.


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