本文选题:溢油 + 沉潜特征 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:溢油沉潜机理的研究在国际上是新的难题,国内尚属空白,其造成的环境危害却是巨大的。在我国渤海区域,由于其半封闭的海湾性质,由溢油污染带来的生态效应显著,特别是沉潜油对生态及经济发展的影响更加不可忽视。这就急需人们了解渤海区域沉潜油的来源,形成机理,以此完善海上溢油事故的监管工作。 本论文以一种渤海原油为研究对象,结合了室内试验和室外风化模拟研究,全面分析了溢油沉潜过程及形成机理,对影响溢油沉潜的因子进行了排序。研究内容及方法:①运用粘度、密度、沥青质及馏程测定仪测定油的基本特性,测定不同蒸发比例和不同温度下油的密度,得到蒸发和温度对密度的影响,并通过含水率计算乳化物的密度;②设计波浪模拟槽,分别从波浪强度、乳化程度和分散剂的量研究油的分散现象;③设计油与沙子泥沙的下渗、混合、上浮实验,从多个角度研究油与悬浮物、底质的掺混过程;④设计室外水槽风化模拟实验,连续进行10个月,每日测气象条件并观察沉潜现象拍照记录。 实验结果:①蒸发使油的密度显著增加,温度越低油的密度越大,对重质油来说,蒸发和低温可以使其在一定条件下沉,乳化能使油半潜;②波浪能加大油的分散程度,但是作用较小,一定量的分散剂能使四种油全部分散而半潜;③油与悬浮物或泥沙的掺混作用能使其沉底,形成的混合物虽不稳定,但是分离过程缓慢,所以其是影响油下沉的首要因素;④实验用油在实际环境中会因蒸发在低温下下沉,当密度接近海水密度时,下沉的行为受温度影响较大。 根据以上研究结果得到影响溢油沉潜的因素包括自然和人为作用。自然作用因素按影响程度从大到小排序为:与悬浮物、底质掺混,蒸发,乳化,温度,盐度。人为使用分散剂,可使所有油快速分散而全部半潜,并促使油与悬浮颗粒掺混更易下沉,还能削弱与已经混合的油-沙混合体的附着程度。
[Abstract]:The study of oil spill potential mechanism is a new problem in the world, but it is still blank in our country, but the environmental harm caused by it is huge. In the Bohai Sea region of China, due to its semi-closed Gulf nature, the ecological effect caused by oil spill pollution is significant, especially the impact of submerged oil on ecological and economic development can not be ignored. Therefore, it is urgent for people to understand the source and formation mechanism of submersible oil in Bohai Sea area, so as to improve the supervision of oil spill accident. In this paper, a kind of crude oil in Bohai Sea is taken as the research object, combined with indoor test and outdoor weathering simulation study, the process and formation mechanism of oil spill sinking are comprehensively analyzed, and the factors affecting oil spill potential are sorted out. Research contents and methods: 1 the basic characteristics of oil were determined by viscosity, density, asphaltene and distillation range tester, and the density of oil at different evaporation ratios and temperatures were measured, and the effects of evaporation and temperature on density were obtained. The wave simulation tank was designed by calculating the density of emulsified matter by water content. The dispersion phenomenon of oil was studied from wave strength, emulsification degree and dispersant quantity. The experiment of seepage, mixing and floating of oil and sand sediment was carried out. In this paper, the mixing process of oil and suspended matter and sediment is studied from several angles. The simulation experiment of weathering in outdoor flume is designed. The meteorological conditions are measured daily and the sinking phenomenon is recorded for 10 months. The experimental results show that the density of oil increases significantly with the evaporation of 1: 1. The lower the temperature, the greater the density of oil. For heavy oil, evaporation and low temperature can make it sink under certain conditions, and emulsification can increase the dispersion degree of oil in the semi-submersible wave. But the effect is relatively small. A certain amount of dispersant can disperse all four kinds of oil, while the mixing of semi-submersible oil with suspended matter or sediment can cause it to sink to the bottom. The resulting mixture is unstable, but the separation process is slow. Therefore, it is the primary factor that affects oil sinking. In the actual environment, the oil will sink at low temperature due to evaporation. When the density is close to the seawater density, the sinking behavior is greatly affected by temperature. According to the above results, the factors affecting oil spill potential are natural and artificial. The order of natural action factors according to the degree of influence is: mixing with suspended matter, sediment, evaporation, emulsification, temperature, salinity. The artificial use of dispersant can disperse all oil rapidly and semi-submerse, and make the mixing of oil and suspended particles easier to sink, and can also weaken the adhesion degree with the mixed oil-sand mixture.
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