本文选题:寻路算法 + 模糊逻辑 ; 参考:《北京化工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, fire accidents occur frequently and people pay more and more attention to road finding under emergency conditions. Because of the randomness and uncertainty of the fire accident, the traditional plan drill can not improve the ability of people to find the way when facing the fire. With the rapid development of random computing technology, the improvement of information technology and the popularization of intelligent equipment, the accident occurrence and processing can be simulated by intelligent equipment, and the high speed computing ability of the processor can be relied on. Questions can be abstracted and solved. In order to improve the ability of path handling under fire accident and increase the safety of people under emergency condition, this paper studies and designs the route finding algorithm under fire spread, and develops and realizes the distributed virtual reality fire emergency rescue system. The main research contents are as follows: 1, simulation system design. The dynamic fire is designed by particle system, and the dynamic change of fire intensity is realized by dynamic loading, and the simulation system of virtual route finding exercise and real-time route finding decision is completed by studying the data flow of the system, and the on-line module is designed. Research on high efficiency I / O concurrency and improve communication efficiency, design message package, unpack, provide distribution processing mechanism, select suitable serialization and reduce network load, design client drop reconnection and server search module. 3, route finding algorithm design. The fire expansion model is constructed and the ignition time of the fuel point is inferred. The fuzzy logic is used to dynamically predict the moving edge of the fire. The next target point is selected and the path finding from the bottom point to the point is studied. The strategy of taking account of the efficiency and the result of dealing with the special problem is given. In this paper, the algorithms of Agni, navigation grid and greedy are introduced, and the three dimensional implementation technology is discussed, and the network programming technology is compared. This paper designs a route finding algorithm, develops and realizes the virtual reality emergency rescue route finding system, realizes two modes of fire drill and real time decision, and compares with the improved navigation grid route finding algorithm. It can be seen that the algorithm designed in this paper is safe and has a short distance, and the emergency rescue route finding system has great application and market value.
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