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发布时间:2018-05-19 17:25

  本文选题:煤矿乏风瓦斯 + 预热催化氧化 ; 参考:《山东理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:煤矿乏风具有风量大、甲烷浓度低、风量和甲烷浓度波动范围大等特点,由于难以利用而被直接排空,这就造成了严重的环境污染和能源浪费。因此研究煤矿乏风瓦斯的利用技术具有重要的意义。 本文针对此现状,搭建了煤矿乏风瓦斯预热催化氧化实验装置,包括供气系统、预热系统、加热起动系统、反应室、排气系统和测量与控制系统。对实验装置的工作原理、各组成系统和主要参数的测量原理进行了介绍。 对实验装置进行了起动性能研究。研究了加热功率、风量和甲烷浓度对起动性能的影响规律,并确定了最佳的起动方案。结果表明:风量一定时,加热功率越大,起动时间越短;加热功率一定时,风量越小,起动时间越短,电能消耗量越少;当风量和加热功率一定时,通入甲烷有助于减少起动时间;实验装置的最佳起动方案是:加热功率20kW、风量350Nm3/h。 实验研究了超低浓度甲烷在预热催化氧化实验装置中的催化燃烧性能。研究了进气甲烷浓度、风量和床层入口温度对甲烷转化率的影响,研究了风量和进气甲烷浓度对甲烷完全转化温度的影响。结果表明:当风量和床层入口温度一定时,随着进气甲烷浓度的增加,甲烷转化率增大;当进气甲烷浓度和床层入口温度一定时,随着风量的增大,甲烷转化率减小;当进气甲烷浓度和风量一定时,随着床层入口温度的升高,甲烷转化率增加;当进气甲烷浓度一定时,随着风量的增大,完全转化温度明显增大;当风量一定时,随着进气甲烷浓度的增大,完全转化温度明显降低。 对实验装置进行了能量平衡的理论计算,验证了实验装置自维持运行的可行性。研究了出口温度和散热损失对最低自维持运行进气甲烷浓度的影响,结果表明,通过降低出口温度和散热损失,可以提高甲烷转化率,从而降低最低自维持运行进气甲烷浓度。
[Abstract]:The coal mine ventilation has the characteristics of large air flow , low methane concentration , large fluctuation range of air volume and methane concentration and the like , which is difficult to be used to be directly emptied , thereby causing serious environmental pollution and energy waste .

In this paper , the experimental device for preheating catalytic oxidation of spent air in coal mine is set up , which includes gas supply system , preheating system , heating start system , reaction chamber , exhaust system and measurement and control system . The working principle of experimental device , the system of each component and the measuring principle of main parameters are introduced .

The effect of heating power , air volume and methane concentration on the starting performance is studied . The optimum starting scheme is determined . The results show that the higher the air volume , the shorter the heating power and the shorter the starting time .
When the heating power is constant , the smaller the air volume , the shorter the starting time and the less electric energy consumption ;
when the air volume and the heating power are constant , introducing methane helps to reduce the starting time ;
The optimal starting scheme of the experimental device is : the heating power is 20kW , the air volume is 350Nm3 / h .

The catalytic combustion performance of ultra - low concentration methane in pre - heating catalytic oxidation experiment was studied . The effects of methane concentration , air volume and inlet temperature on methane conversion were studied . The effects of air volume and inlet methane concentration on the conversion of methane were studied .
When the concentration of the inlet methane and the inlet temperature of the bed are constant , the conversion rate of methane decreases with the increase of the air volume ;
When the concentration of methane and the air volume are constant , the conversion rate of methane increases as the inlet temperature increases .
When the concentration of the intake methane is constant , the total conversion temperature increases with the increase of the air volume ;
When the air volume is constant , the total conversion temperature decreases with the increase of the concentration of the intake methane .

The effect of outlet temperature and heat loss on the minimum self - sustaining operation intake methane concentration is studied . The results show that the methane conversion rate can be improved by reducing the outlet temperature and heat dissipation loss , so that the minimum self - sustaining operation intake methane concentration can be reduced .


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