[Abstract]:In order to prevent the occurrence of HPME and DCH in millions of kilowatts PWR nuclear power plants, the main system is relieved quickly by setting additional serious accident relief valve (SADV) on the voltage stabilizer with reference to EPR reactor. The accident analysis model of millions of kilowatt PWR nuclear power plants is established, and three typical serious accident sequences are selected, such as the failure of power superimposed steam auxiliary feedwater pump, the small break of primary circuit pipeline and the loss of main feed water. To analyze the thermohydraulic and pressure relief capacity of the system. The calculation results show that if the pressure relief valve is not opened, the first loop pressure of the three accident sequences is higher when the head of the pressure vessel fails, and there is the risk of high pressure melt spraying and direct heating of the containment. According to the guideline of serious accident management to open the pressure relief valve of serious accident, the pressure of primary circuit can be effectively reduced, and the three accident sequences can prevent the occurrence of high pressure melt spray and direct heating of containment. The effect of valve area on valve area of relief valve is analyzed. It is shown that when the valve area is reduced to 4.8 脳 10 ~ (-3) m ~ 2, the RCS pressure will increase when the valve head fails, which can still meet the pressure relief requirements of RCS and can delay the failure time of the lower head.
【作者单位】: 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院;
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