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发布时间:2018-07-16 11:57
【摘要】:货车装载工况是影响铁路安全的重要方面。货车装载的货物质量及货物重心在车辆横向、纵向和垂向的位置是反映铁路货车装载工况的重要参数。随着铁路线路条件的改善与技术装备的革新,目前我国关于铁路货物装载技术条件的规定已经不合时宜,亟需系统研究新的线路与装备条件下货车装载工况对车辆运行安全的影响。 本文围绕货车装载工况参数对车辆运行安全指标的影响展开研究,主要包括以下几个方面的内容: (1)在明确货车装载工况参数体系(货物质量、货物重心横向偏移量、货物重心纵向偏移量、重车重心高)的基础上,定性分析了影响铁路车辆运行安全的各种因素。 (2)通过静力分析的方法,在系统研究车辆在直线和曲线上运行时货物、车辆与轨道之间的作用的基础上,分别建立了直线运行条件下以及曲线欠超高与过超高运行条件下货车装载工况参数对车辆运行安全指标(倾覆系数、脱轨系数、轮重减载率)影响的静力关系式。以C70H货车为例,采用多元回归方法分别建立了货车装载工况参数对倾覆系数、脱轨系数、轮重减载率影响的简化线性等效关系式,研究了货车装载工况参数对车辆运行安全指标影响的机理。 (3)基于车辆系统动力学和达朗贝尔原理,建立了考虑货物、车辆耦合的铁路货车运动方程。 (4)以C70H货车为例,运用多体动力学软件SIMPACK,建立了货物—车辆—轨道动力学仿真模型,并参考实际动力学试验测试数据,通过比较C70H货车通过特定直线和曲线上运行时车辆运行安全指标的仿真计算数据和试验测量数据,验证了仿真模型的合理性。 (5)在设定大量货车装载工况与运行工况组合的基础上,通过大量仿真计算分别研究了货物质量,重车重心高以及货物重心横、纵向偏移量对车辆运行安全指标(倾覆系数、脱轨系数、轮重减载率)影响的规律。最终提出了保证C70H货车运行安全的货车装载工况参数范围。
[Abstract]:Truck loading condition is an important aspect of railway safety. The cargo quality and the center of gravity of the goods loaded in the vehicle are the important parameters to reflect the loading condition of the railway truck. With the improvement of railway line conditions and the innovation of technical equipment, the regulations on the technical conditions of railway cargo loading in our country are now out of date. It is urgent to study the influence of loading condition on vehicle operation safety under the condition of new line and equipment. This paper focuses on the influence of the loading condition parameters on the safety index of the vehicle, mainly including the following aspects: (1) defining the loading condition parameter system (cargo quality), On the basis of the transverse deviation of the cargo gravity center, the longitudinal offset of the cargo gravity center and the high gravity center of the heavy truck, various factors affecting the safety of the railway vehicle operation are qualitatively analyzed. (2) through the method of static analysis, Based on a systematic study of the role of cargo, vehicle and track when a vehicle is running on a straight line or on a curve, The static equation of the influence of the loading condition parameters on the vehicle running safety index (capsizing coefficient, derailment coefficient, wheel load reduction rate) under the linear operation condition and the curve underhigh and the excessive ultra high running condition is established respectively. Taking the C70H freight car as an example, the simplified linear equivalent equation of the influence of loading condition parameters on overturn coefficient, derailment coefficient and wheel load reduction rate is established by using multivariate regression method. The mechanism of the influence of loading condition parameters on vehicle running safety index is studied. (3) based on vehicle system dynamics and Darembert principle, the cargo is considered. (4) taking the C70H freight car as an example, using the multi-body dynamics software SIMPACKK, the simulation model of freight vehicle-track dynamics is established, and the test data of the actual dynamic test are referred to. By comparing the simulation calculation data and the test data of the safety index of the C70H truck running on a specific straight line and curve, The rationality of the simulation model is verified. (5) on the basis of setting the combination of loading condition and running condition of a large number of freight cars, the cargo quality, the high center of gravity and the transverse center of gravity of the goods are studied by a large number of simulation calculations. The influence of longitudinal deviation on vehicle safety index (capsizing coefficient, derailment coefficient, wheel load reduction rate). Finally, the parameter range of loading condition is put forward to ensure the safe operation of C70H truck.


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