[Abstract]:This paper introduces the basic situation of the research on the prediction of mine water inflow at home and abroad, summarizes the main measures for preventing and controlling water in mines at present, and on the basis of this, studies the drainage and drainage techniques of the open-pit stope in Gaocun. In this paper, the geological and hydrogeological characteristics of Gaocun Iron Mine are analyzed. Combined with field hydrogeological investigation, joint statistics, pumping test and rainfall data collection, the aquifer in the mining area is generalized as a water-bearing medium system of bedrock fissure. A numerical model of unconfined groundwater flow in Gaocun mining area is established based on the data of drainage discharge of mine pit and long-term observation data of groundwater dynamics. Through parameter identification and verification, the water flow model is proved to be effective, which also ensures the reliability of the model to predict the future mine drainage discharge. On the basis of groundwater flow model, according to the mining plan of Gaocun stope, a groundwater drainage prediction model is designed and established based on three methods: closure of seepage curtain, drainage of wells outside the pit and centralized drainage of underground waterways. The drying of the three schemes in the stope is simulated. From the point of view of construction technology and draining effect, the applicability of the two schemes of well group drainage and impervious curtain closure in Gaocun stope is proved and denied. In this paper, the advantages of water gathering corridor drainage and drying method are analyzed, and the construction idea of water accumulation corridor system is discussed. Finally, the horizontal hole water intake technology is introduced with the reference of water gathering corridor drainage system. The scheme of draining horizontal radiation well is put forward. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of water gathering corridor drying method and horizontal radiation well drying method are compared, and the advantages of the latter are summarized. In addition, it is suggested that the horizontal radiation well drainage scheme should be formally applied to dry drainage of mine pit after the necessary relevant tests are carried out in Gaocun stope.
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