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发布时间:2018-09-06 10:52
【摘要】:随着采煤技术的发展和开采深度的增加,瓦斯事故在我国各矿频繁发生,煤矿瓦斯防治成为煤矿安全生产的重中之重,瓦斯抽采方法与矿井的实际结合将会对矿井的安全连续生产、瓦斯治理起到关键的作用。论文针对石泉煤矿下保护层开采过程中遇到的瓦斯问题,提出下保护开采瓦斯抽采技术方案。 论文在收集大量的参考资料、理论分析和现场调研的基础上,通过理论分析确定石泉煤矿下保护层开采的可行性,并运用FLAC3D数值模拟软件对保护层开采后上覆煤层的底板位移变化规律和塑性区分布规律进行模拟,以膨胀率超过3‰作为充分卸压标准,从而确定被保护煤层在走向和倾向方向的卸压范围;通过理论分析和现场实测分析了卸压瓦斯运移规律,并运用FLUENT模拟软件对工作面通风条件下和采空区埋管抽采条件下采空区瓦斯运移进行模拟;结合下保护层开采上覆煤层卸压范围及卸压瓦斯运移规律,设计采用密集顺层平行工作面钻孔抽采方法、穿层钻孔抽采上邻近层瓦斯的抽采方法、现采空区埋管抽采及全封闭抽采老采空区的抽采方法,对下保护层开采条件下卸压瓦斯进行瓦斯抽采;通过现场实测结果验证抽采效果达标,保护效果良好,不仅保证了开采层的安全生产,而且增加了对被保护层的保护效果,具有很高的应用推广价值。
[Abstract]:With the development of coal mining technology and the increase of mining depth, gas accidents occur frequently in every mine of our country. The prevention and control of coal mine gas becomes the most important in the safe production of coal mine. The combination of gas extraction method and mine practice will play a key role in the safe and continuous production of mine and gas control. Aiming at the gas problems encountered in the mining process of the protective layer under Shi Quan coal mine, this paper puts forward the technical scheme of gas drainage under protection mining. On the basis of collecting a large number of reference materials, theoretical analysis and field investigation, this paper determines the feasibility of mining protection layer under Shi Quan coal mine through theoretical analysis. The FLAC3D numerical simulation software is used to simulate the variation of floor displacement and the distribution of plastic zone of the overlying coal seam after the mining of the protective layer. The expansion rate is more than 3 鈥,




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