[Abstract]:Because of the complexity of marine environment, the oil spill accidents occur soon after weathering, diffusion, if not timely monitoring, emergency measures, its impact on the marine environment and resources will be very serious. Spaceborne synthetic Aperture Radar (Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR) is used to detect oil spills, which is mainly based on the difference of the backscattering intensity of sea surface to microwave wave band. It has the characteristics of small weather influence, high detection precision and wide coverage, which can ensure the accurate identification of oil spill targets on the sea surface. At present, the main problems in the research of Spaceborne synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) monitoring oil spill are as follows: first, the effect of oil spill "false target" greatly reduces the recognition accuracy of oil spill target; second, the spatial information analysis of oil spill target is insufficient. Lack of spatial similarity to consider oil spill target recognition. In this paper, the method of extracting oil spill information from sea surface combines expert knowledge with object oriented classification method, which solves the problem of "false target", and takes texture feature as the input of classification object. The object-oriented classification method is used to further excavate the two-dimensional spatial features of oil spill targets. The innovation of this study lies in: according to the causes, characteristics and development trend of the "false target" in the spaceborne SAR sea surface oil spill image, the classification rules of "false target" are established, and the "false target" is classified by using the classification rule. Combined with the image feature of the oil spill and the background information of the oil spill event, it can be used as the expert knowledge base to eliminate the false target. On the other hand, in recognition of the limitations of the existing image information extraction techniques, we further consider the two-dimensional spatial features of the target by combining the "false target" recognition with the object-oriented classification method. An oil spill information extraction and monitoring scheme based on spaceborne SAR images was established, and a better target recognition effect was obtained, which is another innovation of this study. Taking the oil spill accident caused by the Lebanon War in 2006 as an example, using the ENVISAT-ASAR data, the technical methods proposed in this study were tested and applied. The results show that the expert knowledge base of "false target" can eliminate the oil spill "false target" well, and combine with the object-oriented classification method to classify the oil spill information on the surface of spaceborne SAR image, compared with the method without "false target" elimination. The efficiency and accuracy of the classification algorithm are greatly improved. Spaceborne SAR satellite, as an important tool of environmental disaster monitoring, has been paid attention to by many countries all over the world. Its development is characterized by constellation, multi-band and multi-polarization. Therefore, it can provide better data support for the oil spill information extraction and monitoring scheme proposed in this paper, and the accuracy of oil spill target recognition will be further improved.
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