[Abstract]:In order to reduce the problem of large loss of air blowing water in common down-air injection units, a heat recovery device for upper jet type mine exhaust air was designed. According to the analysis of droplet force and motion, the motion of upper spray droplet is divided into two stages. According to Newton's second law, a simplified equation of droplet momentum is established, on the basis of the equation and combined with the division of motion stages, the force balance relation under critical conditions is obtained. By using this formula, the critical diameter of the upper jet and the lower jet can be obtained at 10 different relative velocities to ensure that the droplets will not be blown away. By variable substitution, the droplet momentum equation is transformed into the differential equation of the droplet's moving distance, and then, according to the Reynolds number combination between the droplet and the air, five integral formulas for the maximum rising height of the droplet are derived. By using these integral equations, the maximum rising height of droplet in the upper jet and the maximum drop in the droplet in the lower jet are calculated numerically under different head-on wind speed, droplet diameter and initial velocity of the droplet. Compared with the lower jet, the upper jet has the advantages of saving water, wide choice range of droplets and low consumption and high efficiency.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学土木工程学院;
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