[Abstract]:Spray fire accidents caused by liquid and gas leakage are common, but the existing jet fire models have many defects. The shape of the jet fire is approximately conical. Since the leakage velocity of liquid and gas varies with the pressure and temperature, the point source will have a certain height from the ground, and the wind speed will also have an effect on the flame inclination. The thermal radiation of each point source on the center line of conical injection is different from that of the target. The calculation method of expanding radius of liquid and gas is established, and the effect of wind speed on flame height and angle of flame is introduced, and the AGA method and Thornton model are compared. It is found that the AGA method is more in line with the reality, and then the three-dimensional point source fire model is established by using the calculus principle to show the influence of the flame shape on the target, and the ultimate danger of thermal radiation is obtained. Finally, taking the fire accident of LPG and CNG tanks as an example, the shape of the jet fire is simulated for the first time, and the change of the incident heat radiation flux with the location of the target point and the dangerous range are more clearly and accurately displayed. It can provide reference for fire safety decision of flame front.
【作者单位】: 西南石油大学化学化工学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51474187) 四川省安全监管局(四川煤监局)安全生产科技项目(scaqjgjc_stp_20150023)
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