[Abstract]:The ocean not only contains a lot of resources, but also brings convenience to the traffic between countries all over the world. But in recent years, with the rapid development of waterway traffic and fishery, water accidents have been paid more and more attention. The occurrence of water accidents will bring harm to personnel, property and marine environment, so it is necessary to improve the accident rescue system to deal with the occurrence of emergencies. The reserve of emergency materials is the basis to ensure the effective carrying out of emergency rescue and is an important link in the emergency management system. A reasonable reserve of emergency supplies can not only guarantee the emergency transportation of emergency materials after an emergency event, thus controlling the impact scope of an emergency event, reducing the probability of secondary injury, but also making rational use of funds. Reduced material losses due to improper reserves. Therefore, the study of emergency material allocation level can reduce the impact of emergencies, protect the lives and property of the population and protect the ecological environment. This paper first reviews the research status of emergency resource management and emergency resource allocation, introduces the emergency material allocation, introduces the definition, characteristics, types and classification of water accidents, and introduces the definition, classification and characteristics of emergency materials. Emergency material allocation mode. Then from the point of view of emergency material demand, considering the loss caused by insufficient emergency material reserve and excessive emergency material reserve, the information entropy theory is used. Based on the objective function of the minimum sum of inventory cost and shortage cost, an emergency material allocation model is established to determine the regional overall allocation level. Thirdly, the adaptive theory is introduced, and the adjustment of emergency material reserve is analyzed theoretically. Then, the inventory model of stochastic demand is used to study the government physical reserve, and to obtain the order level and economic order batch. Finally, the above model is verified and solved by an example.
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