[Abstract]:On the basis of theoretical and empirical research, this paper takes coal mining enterprises as the research object, develops the safety belief scale by using factor analysis method, and establishes the safety belief factor structure model, obtains the belief identity, the safety belief, the safety commitment. Four factors of safety practice; At the same time, we develop the safety executive ability scale, and get four factors: people-oriented management, plan incentive, executive communication and safety guarantee. By analyzing the relationship between the factors of safety execution, it is shown that the human-oriented management has a significant positive effect on plan incentive, executive communication and safety assurance. The structural equation model of safety belief and safety execution is established, and the standardized coefficient of safety belief on safety execution is 0.819 (CR=7.203,P < 0.001). It shows that the positive influence of security belief on security execution should not be ignored. On the basis of the above research, the key elements of safety belief and security executive power and their influence relations are deeply analyzed, and the construction and implementation methods of enterprise safety belief and execution system are put forward.
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