发布时间:2019-05-18 11:17
【摘要】:针对综掘工作面掘进过程中粉尘污染问题,设计了一种新型高效的风幕控尘除尘系统,利用风幕风速衰减试验分析了风幕风速与距出口距离衰减的关系,当风幕末端风速达到2 m/s以上就能够有效控制呼吸性粉尘逃逸,另外,利用数值模拟的方法,对风幕控尘除尘系统工作原理进行了模拟,当风幕初速度为15 m/s、除尘风筒负压为-250 Pa时,风流到达巷道壁时的风速均达到了3 m/s以上,风幕控尘除尘系统起到了很好的控尘和除尘作用。并对压入式通风+湿式除尘机除尘的方式进行了数值模拟,压入式通风的风流大部分被除尘风筒吸入,掘进头和压入式风筒与除尘风筒重叠段形成了无风区,大部分粉尘颗粒和瓦斯不能够及时排出,给生产带来了极大的安全隐患。
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of dust pollution in the driving process of fully mechanized mining face, a new and efficient dust control and dust removal system is designed. The relationship between wind curtain wind speed and distance attenuation from exit is analyzed by wind curtain wind speed attenuation test. When the wind speed at the end of the wind curtain is more than 2 m 鈮,
[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem of dust pollution in the driving process of fully mechanized mining face, a new and efficient dust control and dust removal system is designed. The relationship between wind curtain wind speed and distance attenuation from exit is analyzed by wind curtain wind speed attenuation test. When the wind speed at the end of the wind curtain is more than 2 m 鈮,